Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Barrier

Have you ever felt that there is so much unlocked potential in you? If so, have you ever
felt like it was bound up or held hostage behind some invisible barrier inside you? One night recently I sat with a part of me wanting to scream to the Lord for help and part of me understands what’s going on. Lately, I’ve been having so many mixed emotions. I've thought to myself maybe its just not my time yet, while the other side of me wonders if somehow an act of disobedience aborted and closed the door. We often wonder about our purpose, and we often look for that moment when our life will soar.  It's difficult when you feel that there is a part of you fighting strongly to keep you from reaching destiny . It's hard when you wish to move forward and feeling like your everything is glued to the place you are in.  It is one thing to desire something,  but without action, it does  get accomplished. I prayed to the Lord to help me put the action to my desires.  See faith without works is dead, and a plan of action without doing the action is a waste of time.

It's hard learning how to get out of your own way. It's hard shutting down the part of yourself that gets hurt when you see others reach their goals and dreams and you're struggling just to do better. Struggling just to hold on to the vision. As  tears fall and  as hard as you hold on the end of your rope Remember God always wants an R.O.I (Return on Investment) He didn’t put all this time , gifts, and purpose in you just to let it go to waste. Keep trying, Keep getting up, and Keep pushing. Some days we will feel like this, Not every day  will feel peachy. Remember to keep investing in yourself because God sure is, and he will collect on his investment.  Be encourage beautiful people, it will happen when you least expect it God hasn’t forgotten about you and you can bank on his promises.

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