Sunday, July 3, 2016

The Desires of your Heart!!

This morning as I sat quietly, I realized that the Lord had answered yet again another prayer and desire of
mine.  I have always prayed for my father’s family. Growing up I wasn’t close with them. Not because it  wasn’t possible, but because everyone who had the power to make that happen, didn’t make an effort. I’m not salty or anything but it became a desire of mine to meet them. I had siblings, aunts, uncles, and a great grandmother that I never met. It made me wonder about the other side of me. I wanted to meet them . I ask the Lord to let me see my great gran before she passed away. I went to thanksgiving 2014 and met her and a few months later she passed away. Although that is sad he didn’t let her die before I met her. That thanksgiving I met 2 of my aunts and cousins and I was so grateful. I helped me to understand a part of me. Today, I am here with my oldest brother and it was a prayer of mine to meet all of my siblings that makes 7 out of 9. He is answering my prayers, he’s  a prayer answering GOD.

I told you all that to say God knows your heart desires, and he hears every prayer request you’ve made. Trust him to take care of it. If he doesn’t, it does not mean he can’t, it means, he’s protecting you, or he has something better.  Focus on being obedient to him and he will take care of your desires, dreams, and prayer request.  Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart Psalm 37:4. It doesn’t matter how long it may take, or how long you’ve been waiting. It doesn’t matter how he does it as long as he does it. Don’t be like Sarah,  get tired of waiting and trying to rush the process  then end up with an Ishmael, waiting on your Issac. Keep trusting, keep holding on, and keep waiting. I am a witness that he is a prayer answering God. God Bless, you be encouraged. 

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