Monday, August 1, 2016

Fasting is a Must!!

Hello Awesome People!!

I must share this lesson I received yesterday. I and 2 others were talking with my pastor yesterday, and he began to share some things with us. One thing that he said that stood out to me,  he was talking about  when Moses was standing before the burning bush.  Moses was told :
“put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.”

My pastor said that his shoes represented the flesh, and the flesh was between him and the glory. It dawned on me , That this is the very reason  it is so important for us to fast. Because when we fast it is moving our flesh out of the way. Our flesh is in the way of us and God's glory.  We can’t get as close to Gods glory as we desire until we remove flesh out of the equation. Please do not misunderstand me , I know we can't actually take off our flesh nor can we get away from the daily encounters in our lives. However, When we fast we are dethroning our flesh (Taking the shoes from off our feet) .  Allowing us to draw closer to God, allowing us to stand on holy ground because where the presence of the Lord is raining it, becomes holy ground.  The full scripture says

And he said, Draw not nigh hither put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.” EXODUS 3:5

And he said, Draw not nigh hither,( Don’t come any closer) (But ) put off thy shoes from off thy feet, (Why)  for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.” ( and flesh is not welcome in his presence)EXODUS 3:5

The bible says that " That no flesh should glory in his presence."1 Corinthians 1:29) The flesh seeks its own glory and pleasing its self rather than God!Flesh represents  Sin, Disobedience, and unbelief  etc. It is not welcomed in the presence of God.   If we desire to get closer to God there will be times when we have to sacrifice some things to get closer to him.  We have to push ourselves too fast more and  dethrone this flesh, taking off the shoes on our feet so that we may stand on holy ground in the presence of GOD. Thank you!!

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