Thursday, September 29, 2016

Rejection is Temporary

                     This morning I had a dream that reminded me of all the rejection I've experienced
and sometimes still at times struggle with. It's interesting to have untapped greatness in you, but have to sit and wait because it not your time yet. Having to wait because God still has to work things in and out of you. Having to wait because your still shaky in your walk with him. When this happens it's easy to become frustrating  when hearing, seeing  a glimpse of what God wants to do or has for you to do  , and having to wait for the manifestation of it. We have to be careful not to move out of Gods timing. We forget that every vision , instruction, and  prophecy  is for a set time which may not be in the near future. We also have to be careful not to link up with people who is as equally if not more frustrated than we are. Two people with the same frustration can make one feel right about the wrong things and cause an even bigger problem.  See rejection is disheartening and can cause one to loose momentum , and if repeated, can often  cause one to shut down and not try again. Rejection can cause one to be hesitant to put forth a future effort and hold back when they definitely should speak up.
           Rejection is not always a complete no, sometimes it is not your time. Youre not baked all the way , and you need to stay in the oven a little longer. Your ideas , gifts and talents are great, and are needed in the  world of  today. When we are rejected we have to ask ourselves, although what I bring is good, is it the right moment. Am I giving it to the right place, and am I giving it to the right people? We have to remember everything is not about us and the way we feel. Just as we have felt that hard rejection, we have to be mindful of other people and try not make them feel the way we have felt many times.

            I pray that those of you that struggle with the spirit of rejection, that God would heal you and help you to stay strong when those times arise. Remember that even the prophets were not welcomed in their own countries.  Your time will come. Write the vision. Write down your ideas they may be for a  time that is not here yet. God bless you, remember you are valuble , everyone of Gods jewels is. God Bless you!! 

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