Thursday, August 11, 2016

In Times of Change!

Hello, Beautiful people!! I hope everyone is doing well.

These last couple of weeks have been Jam packed, and  so many things have transpired.
I never use to think that one could mature so quickly. Until it happen to me. These last couple of months has been an interesting time for me. It has been fill with so much revelation, healing , and character building. I have been plucked and pulled and redirected in the spirit so many times, in this time.  It has not all felt good. There are times when I've been rebuked by God, and times when I've  had to rebuke me. In this season I've had to step back from things, and people. No shade, no ill will, but it was just my instruction for this semester of  growth. See  Growth is uncomfortable ,  It requires you to  first  be  planted. When you've  been planted  you're in the dirt and you are alone and  not seen  , you are being watered and fed sunlight while germination begins . Which means you have to guard what you are allowing your spirit to be fed. See in times of growth your  spirit has to be nurtured. Spend more time with the Lord and in his word.  It may feel like this time last forever but before you know it, you will crack the shell and began to push through,  pass the level you are on, and pushing is hard . After you push past the dirt (that level) you began to sprout into a whole new level.  A new level of ; anointing, power, understanding, ministry, and relationship with God.

I encourage all  of you  Gods seeds (his children) in this time of change. It may be a difficult time for you , and you may not understand everything that God  is taking you through but continue to push through. There is Purpose for each trial, lost person, everynight you cried, Everytime you wanted to give. There is PURPOSE. Trust his process!!  You know he didn’t bring you this far to let you die! You are becoming better. You are becoming that tree planted by the water , you will bring forth fruit in your season, and you will not be moved. You are his Seed, he planted you. HE shines on you because he is the Sun(Son), He waters you because he is the living water.  Be encouraged, Be encouraged!  Keep Going and Keep Growing.  God bless you 

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