Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Barrier

Have you ever felt that there is so much unlocked potential in you? If so, have you ever
felt like it was bound up or held hostage behind some invisible barrier inside you? One night recently I sat with a part of me wanting to scream to the Lord for help and part of me understands what’s going on. Lately, I’ve been having so many mixed emotions. I've thought to myself maybe its just not my time yet, while the other side of me wonders if somehow an act of disobedience aborted and closed the door. We often wonder about our purpose, and we often look for that moment when our life will soar.  It's difficult when you feel that there is a part of you fighting strongly to keep you from reaching destiny . It's hard when you wish to move forward and feeling like your everything is glued to the place you are in.  It is one thing to desire something,  but without action, it does  get accomplished. I prayed to the Lord to help me put the action to my desires.  See faith without works is dead, and a plan of action without doing the action is a waste of time.

It's hard learning how to get out of your own way. It's hard shutting down the part of yourself that gets hurt when you see others reach their goals and dreams and you're struggling just to do better. Struggling just to hold on to the vision. As  tears fall and  as hard as you hold on the end of your rope Remember God always wants an R.O.I (Return on Investment) He didn’t put all this time , gifts, and purpose in you just to let it go to waste. Keep trying, Keep getting up, and Keep pushing. Some days we will feel like this, Not every day  will feel peachy. Remember to keep investing in yourself because God sure is, and he will collect on his investment.  Be encourage beautiful people, it will happen when you least expect it God hasn’t forgotten about you and you can bank on his promises.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Change-Up

Lately, my desires for certain things have made somewhat of a shift. My views and the ways I understand and perceive things have changed.  The way I operate is different now,and It's been a long time coming. In the past,  I have allowed my love for people around me to influence and pollute  me to a point where I was spiritually sick. I have lost great people, or they do not see me the same because of the poison I allowed in. I'm not blaming anyone but myself. However, I do encourage to be careful of the influences you allow around you.  Through all that I have been through, I'm still here, doing better than I ever thought I would even make it many to do. It took me letting some go, it took me to keep trying a million times. It took me to push past pain and illness, it took me to fight.  I had to change my thinking. My mind needed to be renewed. I had to change my atmosphere and many more things. I say,  If you are ever going to win in life there will be some things you have  to change also. Remember,  Change doesn’t always have to be bad , change can be good and sometimes just necessary.

           There comes a time in your life where every excuse and every hinderane that comes from inside of you , you have to over come.  Times that in spite of being tired, wanting to give up there is a push that you need to tap in to. See, we want change, but there is a lot of hard work that comes along  with change. Why? Because Change is an action word! And faith without works is dead.  Things not working , change up. Keep running in to the same wall, same people, and same problems its time to change your approach. Time to let some people go, its time to change the information you have, find some new information. Nothing happens by just sitting around waiting for change. Yes, We wait on God, But we wait while working. I am learning this and learning how to put action to my desires. I kicked out my excuses although they are valid, they do not help.  I encourage you to have a change up in your thoughts and actions to a direction of better, in a direction of greater. Let the Lord lead you and I’m sure you’ll reach your purpose. 

                                                                  Thank you for reading

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Stressful People

Get away from stressful people!!!!  Have you ever had someone in your life that when
you're around them they stress you out? Like their personality and the way they do thinks makes you feel like you’re a mile closer to having a nervous breakdown? I have!! The stressful person in my life is my mother. She is one of those really draining people that when you leave her presence, you need a long winters nap stressful.  Stressful to the point you want to limit the number of times you’re around her in a year. This week marks the countdown to my birthday and I am feeling annoyed and stressed out. I booked a trip and she invited herself ugh!!!! We are going to my aunt’s house Saturday because my cousins Birthday is the day before, and she is already creating drama and making me not want to go. At this point, I really want to cry. She does not care about anyone’s feelings or opinion but her own. She never stops talking and, overtaking or low-key trying to bully people and tells me to shut up on a regular. It’s just a drag. She is the type of person that does things to people and when they cut her off or feel some type of way about how she treated them, all of a sudden she got amnesia and she claims she did nothing...  If you have this type of person in your life run!!!!

I encourage you to break free from these kinds of people if you can. Don’t freely allow people to stress you out, and make you feel a heavy load of anxiety. Run!!!  Protect your space and your atmosphere!  Protect your spirit. If you have no choice but to be around stressful people. Pray, put on some soothing music. Try to meditate. As the very last result talk to them. I put it as the last result because sometimes, being stressful is just who they are, they don’t mean to be and sometimes all they need is a talking to. If they choose to continue and not even try to stop. Then you know that is not the person you should have in your space.  I must say do not take it as an opportunity to take out your frustration, nor tear down someone’s character because they make you feel a certain way. Stressful people are both toxic and draining. Be careful who you allow in your space.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

The Desires of your Heart!!

This morning as I sat quietly, I realized that the Lord had answered yet again another prayer and desire of
mine.  I have always prayed for my father’s family. Growing up I wasn’t close with them. Not because it  wasn’t possible, but because everyone who had the power to make that happen, didn’t make an effort. I’m not salty or anything but it became a desire of mine to meet them. I had siblings, aunts, uncles, and a great grandmother that I never met. It made me wonder about the other side of me. I wanted to meet them . I ask the Lord to let me see my great gran before she passed away. I went to thanksgiving 2014 and met her and a few months later she passed away. Although that is sad he didn’t let her die before I met her. That thanksgiving I met 2 of my aunts and cousins and I was so grateful. I helped me to understand a part of me. Today, I am here with my oldest brother and it was a prayer of mine to meet all of my siblings that makes 7 out of 9. He is answering my prayers, he’s  a prayer answering GOD.

I told you all that to say God knows your heart desires, and he hears every prayer request you’ve made. Trust him to take care of it. If he doesn’t, it does not mean he can’t, it means, he’s protecting you, or he has something better.  Focus on being obedient to him and he will take care of your desires, dreams, and prayer request.  Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart Psalm 37:4. It doesn’t matter how long it may take, or how long you’ve been waiting. It doesn’t matter how he does it as long as he does it. Don’t be like Sarah,  get tired of waiting and trying to rush the process  then end up with an Ishmael, waiting on your Issac. Keep trusting, keep holding on, and keep waiting. I am a witness that he is a prayer answering God. God Bless, you be encouraged.