Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The God Thing!!

Have you ever heard someone make an “If I was God, there wouldn’t be,” Kind of a
statement. I have, and I hate it. We as humans are complex, and we are complicatedly engineered.  As a human, you can barely understand or even fathom how  we existence. How can anyone not believe that there is a God, and How can you think you can do a better job at being God. Now,  I would understand if you said that you don’t believe in any specific god, but none at all is foolish thinking.  In my Biological Psychology class, my teacher thinks both of those things that 1. There is no God, and 2. He would do a way better job. I wish you could have seen my face when he made the statement. I asked him why he doesn’t believe in god and his answer wasn’t unique or new it was the same ones that have been given for many of years. Disease, hunger, and Bugs. Lol!!  He says, “ if I were a god there would be no mosquitos or roaches. What horrible a god that would create those things.” It's amazing to me how people who say that they believe there is no god, are so quick to be offended and angry over something they don’t believe exists!!

People let me share something with you! We all have free will. We have the freedom to choose God or not. Yes, there may be consequences if we don’t choose him, BUT! you still have a choice. You have the freedom to do so or not.   Why?  you might ask. We have free will so we can make the choice  if we want to love God or not. Would you want a love that is forced? Would you want someone that you had to force to love you or someone that loves you freely? See love is not forced! If you have to force someone to love you, it’s not real love! So why is God any different? He gives us free will so that hopefully we will choose to love him.  I think that’s amazing!!! And it shows how much of a gentleman God truly is! He doesn’t force us to love him but makes us fall in love with him. Don’t let anyone talk you out of your love for God, he is real no matter if they believe he is or not! Remember EVERY Knee shall bow , and EVERY Tounge shall confess  that he is Lord. So it doesn’t matter, the naysayers can continue being foolish if they want, but  he is still real and I Love Him!! God Bless 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Discovery Monday

As many of you have read in my previous post, this has been a very interesting time in my life. the you, you are afraid to show people. People will never know how smart and wonderful you are until you come  out of that stuffy shell.  Discover what makes you happy, excited, and fulfilled!! You won't regret it I'm sure!!!!     Today is Discovery Monday!! 
I have been truly learning the unique weirdo that I am. I have learned how strong , resilient, and awesome I am. Yes, it has taken me some time, but every frustration and every hurt, and every night I've cried have been worth it!! God has shown me how gifted he has made me. I am grateful to God that he has shown me his love for me!! Today, I encourage you to Discover YOU!! Discover

Thursday, August 11, 2016

In Times of Change!

Hello, Beautiful people!! I hope everyone is doing well.

These last couple of weeks have been Jam packed, and  so many things have transpired.
I never use to think that one could mature so quickly. Until it happen to me. These last couple of months has been an interesting time for me. It has been fill with so much revelation, healing , and character building. I have been plucked and pulled and redirected in the spirit so many times, in this time.  It has not all felt good. There are times when I've been rebuked by God, and times when I've  had to rebuke me. In this season I've had to step back from things, and people. No shade, no ill will, but it was just my instruction for this semester of  growth. See  Growth is uncomfortable ,  It requires you to  first  be  planted. When you've  been planted  you're in the dirt and you are alone and  not seen  , you are being watered and fed sunlight while germination begins . Which means you have to guard what you are allowing your spirit to be fed. See in times of growth your  spirit has to be nurtured. Spend more time with the Lord and in his word.  It may feel like this time last forever but before you know it, you will crack the shell and began to push through,  pass the level you are on, and pushing is hard . After you push past the dirt (that level) you began to sprout into a whole new level.  A new level of ; anointing, power, understanding, ministry, and relationship with God.

I encourage all  of you  Gods seeds (his children) in this time of change. It may be a difficult time for you , and you may not understand everything that God  is taking you through but continue to push through. There is Purpose for each trial, lost person, everynight you cried, Everytime you wanted to give. There is PURPOSE. Trust his process!!  You know he didn’t bring you this far to let you die! You are becoming better. You are becoming that tree planted by the water , you will bring forth fruit in your season, and you will not be moved. You are his Seed, he planted you. HE shines on you because he is the Sun(Son), He waters you because he is the living water.  Be encouraged, Be encouraged!  Keep Going and Keep Growing.  God bless you 

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Spirit of Control

Listen !!

The Spirit of control is real!! And if some in your life is
operating in that spirit, it is best to get away. It will cause you to be under constant attack and in warfare . You will constantly be arguing or rebuking it . It is a Jezebel spirit!  I am constantly at odds with this spirit and am still in the process of Learning how to overcome it and defeat it. If someone in your life is doing things for you just so that you will do what they want, that is both manipulation and control. Kindly decline their next offer and if they ask why then have a conversation. If these twins Manipulation and control are in your relationships is not a real relationship of any kind, that I'm sure of. Why, because the moment you do not do what the person wants it’s a problem. We have all experienced this spirit, but  I will tell you this, Don’t let anyone control you! God should be the only one in control. Here are a few ways to know….

The following are some signs you are under the unhealthy control of another person:
1. The controlling person you are in close relationship with doesn't allow you to prove your point when in disagreement.
2. The controlling person manipulates you with temper tantrums and threats.
3. The controlling person constantly tries to make victims feel guilty or bad about the way they treat them when the opposite is really true.
4. The controlling person is always expecting more from you and is never satisfied.
5. The controlling person is always questioning your motives.
6. The controlling person is constantly putting you down.
7. The controlling person is used to always having their way.
8. The controlling person walks away from their responsibilities as a way to manipulate others.
9. The controlling person finds ways to impose their will in every situation.
10. The controlling person threatens to end the relationship.
12. The controlling person withholds physical affection.
 I’m going to add one;
13. They get angry and/ or Violent when you don’t do what they want!

To read the whole article click below

"12 Signs Someone Is Manipulating and Controlling You." Charisma News. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Aug. 2016. <http://www.charismanews.com/opinion/the-pulse/56927-12-signs-someone-is-manipulating-and-controlling-you>.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Fasting is a Must!!

Hello Awesome People!!

I must share this lesson I received yesterday. I and 2 others were talking with my pastor yesterday, and he began to share some things with us. One thing that he said that stood out to me,  he was talking about  when Moses was standing before the burning bush.  Moses was told :
“put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.”

My pastor said that his shoes represented the flesh, and the flesh was between him and the glory. It dawned on me , That this is the very reason  it is so important for us to fast. Because when we fast it is moving our flesh out of the way. Our flesh is in the way of us and God's glory.  We can’t get as close to Gods glory as we desire until we remove flesh out of the equation. Please do not misunderstand me , I know we can't actually take off our flesh nor can we get away from the daily encounters in our lives. However, When we fast we are dethroning our flesh (Taking the shoes from off our feet) .  Allowing us to draw closer to God, allowing us to stand on holy ground because where the presence of the Lord is raining it, becomes holy ground.  The full scripture says

And he said, Draw not nigh hither put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.” EXODUS 3:5

And he said, Draw not nigh hither,( Don’t come any closer) (But ) put off thy shoes from off thy feet, (Why)  for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.” ( and flesh is not welcome in his presence)EXODUS 3:5

The bible says that " That no flesh should glory in his presence."1 Corinthians 1:29) The flesh seeks its own glory and pleasing its self rather than God!Flesh represents  Sin, Disobedience, and unbelief  etc. It is not welcomed in the presence of God.   If we desire to get closer to God there will be times when we have to sacrifice some things to get closer to him.  We have to push ourselves too fast more and  dethrone this flesh, taking off the shoes on our feet so that we may stand on holy ground in the presence of GOD. Thank you!!