So many people are searching for Love, real love, and feel
that it is hard to find. However I ask, are you really ready for that kind of real
love? I was thinking today, and asked myself,
where I would be if I just accepted some of the advances that had been made
towards me in the Love department. Would
I really have been truly ready to be with someone? Would I have been ready to
give someone a piece of me or a place in my heart, the answer is NO!! I know
for the people who have a revolving door of dates, and relationships may not
really understand where I’m coming from, and that’s ok. However As I was
reflecting, I began to see and understand the things that were going on with me
and why I couldn’t give anyone the time of day. I was so broken, I had low self-esteem,
I didn’t know my worth, and was in no position to be trying to date or be with
anyone. It wouldn’t be fair to take all my baggage and present it with myself
to someone. It wouldn’t be fair to take
someone on a roller-coaster I didn’t understand how to get off of. Nor would it be fair to constantly push
someone away who’s fighting to know me and my love because I didn’t know myself. Many times I wanted to be in a relationship,
or married, but I lack those things that are healthy for love.
We sometimes lack
the things that we need as individuals before we become pairs, and wonder why
we have so many failed relationships. 1st You need good self-esteem
and be secure with yourself. It is nothing more tiring them someone trying to convince
of how great you are and not being received. You absolutely need to know your worth, its
apart of your self-esteem. If you don’t know your worth it will leave you
vulnerable, and at risk of being and staying in a relationship that is all
wrong for you, lacking the confidence and back bone to set boundaries. I
believe we fall in love with the idea of being in love. We watch so many movie that we think that’s really
what it is all about, and thinking that when we get in a relationship it’s
suppose to rain rainbows and cotton candy. LOL!! There is a lot that goes in to
being in a partnership (relationship), and we need to be ready to put in a real
effort. Are you really ready for love?
Are you ready to build with someone, and compromise? Are you ready to not be
right all the time? Are you ready to actually make an effort? If the answer is
yes, Please make sure you don’t make anyone carry your baggage and don’t play
with anyone’s heart.
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