Monday, May 16, 2016

What would you tell your younger self?

This morning as I was watching a clip of the real, and they did a segment asking what you would tell your younger self. They presented pictures of themselves now with their younger self. As I watched it I began to cry because there is so much I would tell her. First, I would hug her and love on her because she really needed it.  I would tell her that everything will be ok and she will be ok. As a child, I endured a lot, a lot of loneliness and low self-esteem because esteem wasn’t being built up.  There was nothing preparing me for the future. My mother and father were consumed in themselves because what life dealt them. Which left me and my brothers to fin for ourselves emotionally, partially physically.
She needed someone to pour into her and nurture her. She needed someone to guide her and correct her. She needed someone to invest in her, most of all someone say, I Love you. I would love to tell myself at a younger age it’s not their fault (my parents). They are hurting and they love you no matter what. I would tell her that she is bright and smart. She can do anything. 

I would let her know how gifted and creative she is, and how God has a plan for her. I would tell her don’t hold grudges toward the people that have hurt her and pray for them. I would say don’t let people walk all over you. Most of all I would tell her to believe in herself and keep trying, find a way. I realizes because I was dropped as a kid, it spilled over into my adulthood. It took me some time to get it together, and there was a lot of time wasted.  I am grate for where I am now. I have blossomed in to a beautiful, confident, awesome women.

Sometimes it is hard to look back at the life you have left behind, but I believe it will help us to be grateful of where we are now and how far we have come. Life can hand  a crappy deal, but I say you are a Diamond in the rough, and everything you’ve gone through was just you cleaning and cutting to become a more beautiful you. One with more clarity and value.  I encourage you to take sometime today and try this exercise, and I pray that it encourages your heart. God bless!

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