Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Keep Moving

 Life can truly be ruff. It will make you to say forget it and jump off a bridge somewhere.  Sometimes it will make you feel depressed, angry, and bitter. It will sometimes suck all of the life out you, and you will feel worthless. It will be times that you lose hope, and the belief that your dreams and goals can be accomplished. The valleys of life will cause your very faith to be tested. It will take every part of your being to make it through.  The earthquakes of life will shake you until you breakdown, feeling as if you have lost everything. It will make you feel as if you are barely holding on to your sanity, but KEEP MOVING!!

Keep moving when your boss is hounding you, and you’re doing your best.
Keep moving when you kids aren’t listening, and you’re about to knock them in to next year.
Keep moving when you feel like giving up, and giving in to the person you use to be.
Keep moving , when everyone  has walked away, when you feel like God isn’t listening, and when you feel like the sun just might not come out tomorrow,
You have to keep moving when you feel like ending it all, and when you feel like you’re not going to make it.
Keep moving when it feels like that life continuously throws bricks at you.
Keep Moving!!

    Why? Because your strong, because you have purpose and a destiny. The world needs you. Because without you life wouldn’t be the same.  Because without you, we will be missing out on the greatest person ever made. Because nobody can be you better than you can!   God made you special. You’re a limited edition honey!   Why?  Because there is something in you that needs to be shared with others to help them.  Because you want to live! Because although it feels like an everlasting night, the Sun has no choice but to come out in the morning.   Keep Moving, you can’t stop. If you stop you’ll never reach what’s right before you, what's waiting for you! Keeping moving, because what you’re reaching for is inches away. Keep moving even when your feet get heavy. Keep moving, even when detours comes up.  I encourage you to Keep moving, you will make it, you will succeed . Your goals will be accomplished, your dreams will become reality. Please keep moving, no matter what or who tells you, you can’t. Please keep moving, no matter what tries to block you, or distract you. Keep Moving it will get better!!!

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