Love Your Awesome
April 30, 2016A.B

Today we will discuss loving your awesome, no its not an error. LOL! Loving your awesome is loving who you are. In today's society we are shown how to look , and how to act. There is nothing encouraging individuality. It seems as if everyone is emulating someone. From the time we are children , the media has set the standard of beauty , career choices, and how we view the world. We are not encouraged to be ourselves. We are not encourage to have our own ideas. I believe, we our dying to meet ourselves. I bet we will be surprised of how amazing we truly are. Who are we to deprive the world of all our AWESOME :-) Today , I want you to ask yourself, "Who am I?" Finding yourself is an amazing , but sometimes a difficult journey. It takes you acknowledging the things you like about yourself and don't. However, its something life changing to find your voice and your truth. I am currently on this journey, and I am loving it. I never knew how unique I am. I believe I have something to offer the world. We all have something to offer the world. Our voice has its own unique vibration,and we effect change around us. Once you find yourself, be yourself. No one can be you, SO, Love yourself, Love your Awesome and be unapologetically you!
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