Saturday, May 28, 2016

Just one of those Days!

There are times when we just feel stuck or in a rut. Feeling like when are things going to pick up for me, when things are going to start flowing for me. It’s sometimes hard to watch people be blessed in your face when it feels like you’ve been waiting for decades.  It’s hard when you feel left behind and unwanted by those you are closes too.  Sometimes feeling down and discouraged about the way things are going in your life. Being stuck in the routine of life can also make you thirsty for new adventures and new experiences. Sometimes you can feel like that for a long time until you feel like crying or screaming. Trust me we all have or have had those days where we just feel like that.  Today is one of those days for me. I know I have things going good with me but I’m just feeling like when are things going to really happen for me. Although I’m in the beginning stages of something better, the wait for it, can be so discouraging and disheartening. I’m not the type to really be jealous of others, but in the back of my head I’m like come on!!!!! Get to me already. LOL!!   When you feel like this, that is when your search should began. The search for some fun things to do, find a hobby, or something creative to do. Have some “Me Time”.   It is easy to get caught up in the routine of life that its sucks all the life out of you.  I encourage you to pursue dreams and goals you have. Revisit previous things that make you feel awesome.   Remember that there is a brighter future ahead for you! Great things and blessing are still coming your way. Hold on! Keep pressing! Its just one of those days for me , So I will take my own advice and keep pressing and find something to do. Thank you for reading, Be Blessed!

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