Saturday, May 7, 2016


             Disappointment occurs at many different times in our lives. Sometimes you can see and can sense it will happen. And sometimes you can feel it coming from a mile away, and still trying to give it the benefit of the doubt. Other times it catches you completely by surprise and off guard. However or whenever it comes, it is always a blow!! A Blow to you heart, ego, confidence, and relationships.  It can sometimes change how you view the world completely. We all will experience it at some point in our lives. It can have such a hold on you and follow you throughout life. It can change how you plan your goals. It can change how you handle relationships.  I believe, depending on the situation, there is something to learn from disappointment.  How did it happen? Where did it come from? Is it some thinXLLS​​g that can be fixed? When we have hope and an expectation for something, your heart is in it, you have confidence in it. You began to form a level of trust. So, for it to fail or be sabotaged can be life changing.
                The people you love can disappoint you. Sometimes they don’t mean it but it happens.  When the people you love drop you or brush you off, it will leave an impression that will often times set the tone for future relationships. You will always, in the back of your mind question if the next person will do you the same way. So you build a wall that you stand on and wait for an offense to happen. Be careful in doing that because you can accidentally take a false alarm and run with it and ruin a great thing.  I’m not saying people are perfect, however you will never have another healthy relationship until you deal with the fungus of disappointment that has grown around your heart.  Opportunities also can be disappointing, you build up expectation and excitement for it.  If it doesn’t turn the way you planned it or it turns out horrible, you will not want to plan future events or always fear it will be just as bad. However your disappointment happens, there is healing that needs to take place. Confidence to be restored.  If we can push pass disappointment, pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off. It will make us stronger.  We will build up muscles of endurance. We will learn how not to stay in a rut and keep walking.  Keep pursuing our dreams and finding new people and giving them a chance. Not letting the fear of disappointment hinder our future any longer!!! Thank you !

                                                                                            Goodbye Disappointment 

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