You know
my thoughts afar off, you bless me to be an original and not a knockoff. How great is your love for me that you make Satan
the enemy ask for permission to even touch me. And even if you tell him yes, it’s because you
trust me! You give me tough love because it
toughens me. Sometimes it gets ruff, but I love you more each day, no matter
how many you have to wipe away. No matter how many times I want to walk away,
your love caresses me to stay. You have the keys to my heart, yet you stand at
the door and knock. You’re a Gentleman, but
you will always have a yes, you don’t have to knock the door will always be
open for you. You can always come in
side and do whatever you want to do. I trust you! You will always lead me to be
the best. No one can do it better
because you’re the best. There is no love greater than yours, because
you are love. This journey of life is awesome because of you, and its just beginning
to bloom. There is no doubt about, no
question in my mind. I will always Love you Love and I know you will always
love me.
- In love with Love
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