Monday, May 23, 2016

What’s your passion?

There are so many things we do, and task we take on in our lives. Things that make us excited and intrigued, however we can sometimes still
feel so unfulfilled. I’ve been asked so many times what my passion is. And most of the time I can’t give a complete answer. Most of the time I give what I think is my passion but on the inside I am unsure. It often bothered me when people asked me that question. It grips my heart and brain making me search the deep parts of my mind trying to really figure it out. Recently, I was talking to someone dear to me and I realized that it’s not just me feeling unfulfilled. I think this needs to be our search. What is our passion? 
What makes us happy to do, and what would we do even if we didn’t get paid? 

This has been my search for this year. Finding what my passion is and finding the things that make me feel like I’ve accomplished something. I believe some of us have found things that we are passionate about, but when it was in our face we overlooked it. Sometimes we need to go back and revisit previous things that made our hearts burn with love, and excitement leaving us wanting more.  I encourage you hold on to those healthy things that make you feel that way.  Those are the things that you become passionate about.  It doesn’t matter if you have to do those things alone.  
When you find your passion hold on to it. Because people spend a life time trying to find theirs. Good Luck and blessing to those who have not!! Seize the day and pay attention, you might just find your passion.  Here are some questions /things to help you on your journey:

1.       What are you good at?
2.       What excites you?
3.       What do you read about?
4.       What have you secretly dreamed of?
5.       Experiment, try.
6.       Banish your fears.
7.       Find the time.

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