Thursday, May 5, 2016

Finding out you’ve been Betrayed!!!

           Betrayal is always a deal breaker in any relationship whether it is family, friend, or business partner. Loyalty, honesty, and trust are all huge parts to every relationship. When someone betrays you, it snatched a piece of peace and comfort from you. I’m not only talking about those accidental betrayals, for example, if someone got drunk and blabbed something that was supposed to be a secret. Which can also have a huge effect on you.  I’m talking about when someone knows it’s wrong and they do it anyway.  Someone who knows they shouldn’t even be in a place, where the possibility for the betrayal is there.  In my younger years, I found out that something that I loved dearly was sabotaged by someone that I love. I had no clue until someone brought it to my attention, when they did my eyes were open and  it all made sense .I was just blind to signs because I loved that individual and never thought they would do something so sneaky like that.  Finding out that someone purposely betrayed you will hurt you to the core, and change the way you see that person forever. These on purpose betrayals stem from jealousy, control, manipulation, or a need to feel superior. 

             I will never say that I have never betrayed someone. However, it was never on purpose.  It is always horrifying to know that someone that you love and trust would do you that way.  It is hard to move pass the hurt but just as much as much as it hurt you, forgiveness is always the healing ointment that is needed to be applied to the situation and your heart. It may take some time, you may cry, or be angry. Which are all normal reactions to betrayal. Let me just say this, you may or may or may not want to continue on in a relationship with that person it’s your decision. if you love the person that betrayed you and you wish to continue on in that relationship. That’s ok, however, no matter what, forgiveness is always needed. Forgive them and set boundaries whether you tell them or not that you even know the betrayal took place. Betrayal is not an offense that should not be tolerated if repeated. If repeated, it may be someone or something to forgive, walk away, and leave alone.  If you are the one who is the betrayer, apologies is always first on the schedule. Brace yourself that this person may not forgive you nor forget what happened. If they forgive you they may want anything to do with you. The loss will hurt and haunt you, but take it as a life lesson. We all make mistakes and bad decisions.  One thing I will say is, if you move on in any relationship where you needed forgiveness, never let someone hold it over you. Forgive yourself and don’t let anyone torment you because you made that mistake or bad decision. That doesn’t give the right to mentally abuse you.
                                                                Thank you for reading!

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