Sunday, May 1, 2016

Church Hurt

Church Hurt!!
May 1, 2016   |A.B
Hello World,

             Since its Sunday, I thought I would talk about “Church Hurt.”  Recently this has been the topic of discussion from many different point of views in my life. I’ve heard it said that if someone leaves the church because someone hurt them or said something to them, then they were not there for God in the first place. I am guilty of saying this in the past. However, I have developed a different perception of the matter.  When we are sick or hurt, we go to the hospital for help. At the hospital we are expecting to be treated to heal. What if we went to the hospital and the nursed poked at our wounds, kicked us to fall while we were already limping. What if we hurt our face, and the staff called us ugly. Would we stay to endure the treatment we are receiving or would we go to another hospital if we could. I know, I know what you’re thinking if you are hurt that bad yes.  What if it was spiritual? What if all the hurt and pain was spiritual or from life events. What if the Hospital was the church? Would you stay in a place that kicks you while you’re down? 

               The Church is supposed to be our family and some of us don’t talk to family now because of the hurt they have caused. The Church is no different than our natural family.   When we are a baby in the faith someone helps to us learn how to walk.    When someone is on crutches in the spirit they need our love and support. These two at the moment are vulnerable and need to be protected no matter how long they are in that state. How would you feel, if in the mist of waiting for the Doctor (God) you faced all of this, would you stay? Would you stay in a Hospital (Church) that as you healed constantly added more injuries?  I don’t think so!! I wouldn’t expect anyone to either. We need to be mindful of the way we treat others. Life is hard enough. For you that has received that kind of treatment from a hospital (church) remember they are not all the same, and the hospital doesn’t determine how great the Doctor (God) is.  Be Encouraged!!! 

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