Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Annoying People

Have you every been around some one that is just annoying to the point that you wish they never
come around again? if not, it may be you.LOL JK But seriously  those that make you hate being in a certain place or around certain people because their going to be there talking and being annoying. In my morning class, I've two annoying people.  One who is always raising their hand asking questions that have nothing to do with what we are talking about or he asks a question in a way that you can tell he knew the answer but just wanted to ask a question. One who when every time they ask a question they tell  a story. OMG!!!! My class begins at 7:05 am and while we are waiting in the hallway around 6:50 am the 1st annoying person starts to talk really loud and play music loud on speaker !!!! and sings or raps along with the song,  at 6:50 or at 7:00 in the morning Monday thru Thursday.  My teacher can barely teach because of them. The other comes to talk to me almost everyday, even though its obvious that i couldn't care any less about what she is talking about. It doesn't matter if I'm clearly busy she will talk and make sure she has my attention. See Im trying not to be rude so just keep my mouth close even though I want to scream SHUT UP!!!When you find your self in the mist of people that are annoying and you can't leave . Remember to take a deep breath and daydream about something else.LOL!!  Put on your earphones, or simply try your best to ignore them. Pray for me as I endure the Last 3 weeks of class. Hopefully the catch the spirit of shut up.lol This is my rant for the day. If you are the person who acts like that please stop it is annoying. Have a great day everyone. 

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