Wednesday, June 1, 2016


There are many of us trying to accomplish our dreams and goals. We are trying hard to make them a reality, and anyone who is really putting forth that effort knows it can and will be challenging and discouraging at times. There are times when you accomplish pieces of your goals and/or dream and then it seems like someone turns up the lever too hard. The closer you get the harder it becomes, but we have to keep pushing, reminding ourselves every day that we can do it. I say reminding ourselves because we will not always have the support we need. I have been in school for a while, and I’ve been trying to start a business.  At times, it can be discouraging sometimes it feeling like accomplishing success is miles away.  There are times where I have to get by myself and get down to business. It’s funny because when you really buckle down and handle your stuff, you will lose people. People will think your acting funny, or snobby.  However, as time goes you will see who is really for you, who’s toxic to your dreams and success. There are people that act like there for you, but as soon as you accomplish something the monster they are will really come out. 

Protect your vision, dreams and goals. Learn when to share and who to share with because there are undercover haters that will try to throw acid and smile in your face.  We will not always have someone wishing us the best, sitting in our corner encouraging us to keep going. Most of the time it is lonely and you have to encourage and motivate yourself.   I want to say to all those who is fighting to make something of yourself, trying to start a business, and finish school, YOU CAN DO THIS!!!  Keep trying , keep researching, keep finding different avenues and ideas. Don’t anyone tell you what you can’t do! Believe in yourself!! Trust the process!!  Trust God!! You Got this!! Keep going!!  YOU CAN DO THIS!!

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