I have found out that a lot of people are afraid of success, whether they admit it or not. Or whether they know it or not. Most are scared to see their true potential come to light. Many have great business ideas, but don't know where to start, or how to bring out what they envision on the inside. Some lack confidence, their confidence have been destroyed and they don't believe they can do it, or even have what it takes to do it but the Devil is a lair. Some lack nourishment, I say nourishment because some come from poverty minded homes. Where mom or dad didn't finish high school, or didn't go to college. Lived off of government assistance their whole life, and never encourage the children to do something with their lives. Never ever made sure the kids did their homework or what ever they needed to do to succeed in life. Left them to themselves or the streets. They were not given the tools needed to do something better in life. I've been there and I am no longer that young person that allows my past, of what mommy didn't teach me and daddy wasn't there. To hold me hostage or bound ,keeping me from reaching success.
I admit that it is easy to sit and do nothing while life passes you by. Each person has a different level of responsibility and hunger. Everyone does not have that go getter mentality. Not everyone has that drive that says , No, you are going to make something of your self, you will have ambitions and goals, and you will accomplish them.
Now, if all that describes you, then that is not an excuse any longer. Get up out of that place of being comfortable with; no drive, no money, self- pity, having excuses, and wanting someone else to do it for you or give you everything. You can do all things, and you can speak it into existence. Step out on faith that you can do it, you'll never know until you try. Become that person you desire to be , the only one in your way is you! You can do this!You can break free too. There is so much in you that can help somebody. You can do what ever you put your mind too. Rise up do some research, take a class, Get a Job, make a job (Hello!!) and keep trying to do something to make your life better then what you were given. Boss up! and watch God work!!
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