Thursday, June 16, 2016

Right Place Right Time!!

We have always heard the older generation say 
"They were in the wrong place, at the wrong
time," when  tragedy strikes. And it seems that it is happening a lot more frequent these days.  However, there  is a such thing as being in the Right Place at the Right time. I experienced it this morning. 
I hope this blesses you!

       I am a college student and I am also an entrepreneur . When you are an entrepreneur it cost a lot of your own  money and time. It takes a lot of resources and things you probably don't have.  It is up to you are the sole owner to provide these things. 70% small businesses fail in the  first 10 years of business, most in the very beginning stages.  One of the most important things when starting a business is the "Know How," and  that information can be money for a new business owner. Now back to college , I have taken a business class and because I was sick a lot and my blood pressure was out of control, I had to drop that class. I had to drop that class, so I am taking it again now. It is the 4th day of class and the information that I have receive has change my life today!! I had been struggling and my teacher just gave me the solution. was a month in to the other class and the information I got was standard and it wasn't even close to what I receive today. Had I remain healthy and  in the other class, I wouldn't be here getting what I truly need.

         See we don't understand when things happen to us or why we haven't been able to propel in the time we think we should. But,  if you actively trust and wait on  him, he will put you in the place you should be, to hear what you need to hear, at the time you need you should be, so that you can walk in to your  destiny. Sometimes we think God has forgotten about the dreams we are desperately trying to accomplish, so we sometimes loose faith. BUT!!!!!!  Wait upon the Lord, all things are working for your good. I tell you he will put you in the right place at the right time!!  Mind is Blown this morning!! Don't give up on God ! Trust the process!! Trust his time!! It's not to late!   

                                                                   Have a Great Day!!

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