Friday, June 3, 2016

Things Happen!!!

This morning has caught me by surprise, and it has left me feeling a little down and upset. I’ve been working really hard for months so that I can get good grades in my classes which have not been easy at all. This morning I got the first one and it was the hardest out of
all my classes. She gave me a C, and I couldn’t have been more disappointed. I am grateful for not failing but still sad. It is devastating when you work hard and don’t see the results you are pushing for. Now I’m nervous to see what the other grades will be. As much as I want to curl up under my covers and cry, I’ve got to keep moving and have business to handle.  I have other things to accomplish.  I am going to keep my self-encouraged, and motivated to keep going. I am victorious and I am a success story.

Listen, Sometimes things don’t turn out the way we hope for, but that doesn’t give us permission or a right to give up and stop. It just means it time to breath, refocus, do more research, try harder, and most of all keep going. We all know the saying “when life hands you lemons, make lemonade,” which means to make the best of what you have been given. Use what you have been giving and make it better. I intend to go harder next semester, I will not allow this to be any kind of set back or any kind of defeat. I will make the best out of it. When things happen to you, keep pushing, and keep finding new ways to better yourself.  Your hard work will pay off. You are victorious, and you are a success story in the making. Remember that.  

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