Friday, June 10, 2016

It's Your Life!!

We all have those people in our lives who think, that we should be in a certain place at this time in our lives you telling them you’re not interested.  Constantly having to tell family and friends you took another route in life, made another career choice, or became an entrepreneur. We all have those who think they know what’s best for you, BUT I say “It’s your life,” and you have to live it for you. At the end of the day, those people dishing the suggestions usually will never take suggestions. These people are usually the ones that are not feeling fulfill or satisfied with where they are, at this time in their own lives. So they try to push on you what their desires are. Controlling people try to control other because they feel like they don’t have control over their own situation, so they try to find anything and anyone gullible, immature, or with a lack confidence they can easily maneuver. Please, Get away from those or put them in their place. You are a confident individual and not a carbon copy of someone else. You are an original honey and act like it. Those individuals who think we should follow the life schedule they made for us in their heads, and somehow their schedule is supposed to top the one we made for ourselves. If not, those parents who are continually hounding you to get married and have some grandchildren for them.  People who are always telling you what you should do, in spite of

It’s your life and it is up to you and God to make the decisions.  You have to make the choices in your life, because at the end of the day, you will be stuck with whatever the result are.  Don’t let anyone decide your life for you, because if it’s a bad choice, you will have to live with whatever comes next. It’s your life, make the best of it.  Be free and be yourself. Find what makes you happy and fulfilled. Let people go down whatever road they are trying to send you. Don’t care what others have to say about it either.    Please remember no matter what you people will always have something to say about it, SO WHAT!! Let people talk, as long as they don’t put their hands on you or yours, let them say what they want.  While their miserable and you have joy!!! Let them talk while you laugh all the way to the bank. Let them talk while you’re getting degrees or starting your business. Let them talk because that’s all they have. You only get one life and it disappears just as fast as vapor. Make the best of it, and make sure it’s the one you chose or God chose for you. A life without regrets, and wishing you had done something. Make the best of it and always remember, live it to its fullest. It’s Your Life!!!


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