Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Trust Your Gut

Have you ever had a situation when you felt a strong urgency in the pit of your stomach,  to do or not do  a thing.  We call that gut instinct for women it is called our women's intuition. Have you ever ignored that feeling and regretted it later?  We say to ourselves, "Darn I knew it," or "something told me."  It happens all the time. We must learn to trust our gut or intuition.  Sunday,  when I was trying to figure out what to post on this blog for a Sunday Morning , what came to my heart was Faith! I begin to write about it and I found myself thinking maybe this is a little too deep. Maybe I should talk about something else so I did (check it out!!LOL!!). I went to church and my pastor was preaching and teaching on, just guess, FAITH!!! I could have just fallen out my seat and slap myself. I said to the Lord, O, Lord that was you!!! My bad.lol He was trying to teach me something. Obedience and how to follow and obey him. Shows I was somewhere else in my mind. When things are heavy on you , it is best you pay attention. When the pit of your stomach, gut, or intuition says or warns you of something, it is best that you don't ignore it. I wonder how many deaths and accidents could have been avoided if the person trusted their gut.

Sometimes the Lord will use our gut feelings and intuition as a way of communication.There will be times that the Lord is talking to us, and trying to get his message across  so that we understand and get it straight from him. We have to learn how to follow his voice if we are ever going to walk in our God-given assignments on this earth. No assignments are given without instructions or training, and you have to be able to read and hear to receive them. Our gut  is our warning siren, it helps us with directions, and helps us with the people we come in contact with. It is our discernment.  Using our guts, and intuitions is an advantage. Please to don't confuse it with  fear. Fear can arrest you, and stop you from doing that which you know you should. Intuition can help, and guide you in the decisions you make.   Learn how to trust your gut/ intuition it will not steer you wrong. Learn how to trust God he will never lead you wrong. He gives us these things to help. Trust your gut.

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