Thursday, June 2, 2016


Freedom is the quality or state of being free: as the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action, liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another:  independence. –Webster
    Recently, I spoke with someone about freedom, and the cost of freedom. It’s amazing to me that freedom actually is not free at all, it requires a lot of sacrifices and will cost (not money) you a lot of things and people that may be difficult for you to give up.  I desire to be completely free, and I understand it is a lonely journey but is one I am determined to finish. I want complete freedom so God can use me as he wishes. I know the cost and sacrifice it calls for and I am ready to pay and go through it. Come along with me, Let’s Talk freedom…

In the natural, in order for a country to become free most of the time, they have to go to war. The country has to fight against an oppressor to gain their freedom.  Let’s take the United States for example. The British came to North America for several reasons, and when they came they had to face the unknown circumstance such as; Harsh weather, learning how to find food and water.  They were in a serious wilderness experience, and those who were not helped by the Native Americans mostly starved to death. Once successfully operating ,the U.S was under the control of Great Britain, and Great Britain almost sucks the U.S dry, with high taxes, exports, and taking away the ability for them to govern themselves. The U.S decided they didn’t want to be under the control of Great Britten any longer and started with many boycotts and petitions. However, G.B was not letting the U.S go that easily. They deployed ships and troops to keep America under its control and so begins the war. The war took places in many battles some that were won and some loss, overall winning the war and their freedom. It cost lives and lands. Many sacrificed family members and their chance for a future.
Now for the Spiritual, spiritual freedom sometimes mirrors the natural. We are in a constant battle fighting with the enemy and our own flesh for complete freedom. Jesus died on the cross for us to be free. Him dying gave us the opportunity and power to be free completely.  And because most don’t understand the power and freedom we have in Jesus, many more likely to fall victim in times of Warfare. The enemy is always waging war and bringing small battles trying to control us. He creates things that wiggle into our minds and hearts putting us in chains. He’ll send the spirit of confusion, a spirit of low self-esteem. He’ll set up people to slowly put poison in our lives. He will throw so many things at us that sometimes we get distracted, then captured and put in jail. However, oppression does not only comes from the enemy but sometimes from our own flesh.  Our flesh is another thing, we have to fight against constantly. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life. We live in an age where we rather please our self than God and that is deadly. Sometimes bondage can also come from our past experiences, and/or recent hurts even mistakes that we are ashamed of, keeping us from obtaining true freedom.

 We have to remember that once we decide we don’t want to be under the control of our flesh or the Devil, the fight for our freedom becomes visible.  When you decide to be free, be ready. Ready for things and people trying to stop you, but be encouraged because it is obtainable. There is always a fight going on, but this fight will be one biggest fights of your life. For the fight for freedom is made up many different battles in a big War but each is necessary. Whether we are bound in our mind, heart or from circumstances. We will have to fast and pray. We will have to stay in Gods face and petition for freedom.  Sometimes we will have to boycott hanging out, and other things to win freedom.   God gave us his spirit, so it is ours for the asking. We will have to fight but remember who controls the battle, do your part, and watch the King grant you your freedom.


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