Wednesday, June 22, 2016

When Life Throws Knives!

Today as I returned home from my morning class, a man was face down in the street, he had been hit by a car. The car that hit him was in an accident with another car which is the reason he was hit. He probably was on his way to work. Although he will live, I know he was never expecting to be hit, and it happens. Sometimes you can be doing what you’re supposed to, minding your business and life will throw a knife at you. You don’t have to be doing anything that causes something to happen. It's just what life decided to issue to you. I was frustrated this morning because I kept on missing the bus I needed and who knows that could have been me hit, if I arrived when I was supposed to.  Do we go through things in life that make us question, Why me? Things happen to us that we just don’t understand. Sometimes we make choices that we wish we could take back but we can't, nor can we go back to the days before a bad thing happen to us. We have to learn to make the best out of life and do our best to make better what we can. 

No matter what life hands or throws at you, never stop moving forward. Never stop trying to reach your goals. Never stop trying. Don’t let anybody tell you, you can’t. Look back over your life, and if you are still here after all that you have been through then there is purpose in you that still needs fulfillment.  Don’t let allow anyone or anything stop you from being better, including yourself because sometimes we get in our own way. Keep pressing toward the finish lines of your dreams. We don’t know what life will throw at us, but don’t sit around waiting for it. Do what you have too. God bless

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