Sunday, June 5, 2016

Hated For his Name Sake!!

We love Christ, and we try our best to live a life worthy of him.  We live in times when wee Christians are being persecuted and killed.  For a while being thrown in jail or murder for our faith only happen in the middle east, but now it is here  in America.  We thought we were safe, and we thought we had religious freedom but that time is gone. It is interesting that we live in a nation that says in God we trust,"but I ask, which god? I have never seen it specified the god they were actually talking about. We live in a country where every  religion is accepted except Christianity. Our very faith is being protested and fought against. We are killed, we are shunned, we are hated, but it comes as no surprise.God warned us of this, in the  bible when it says that Christians we would be hated by all nations for Jesus’ name sake, "Jesus says, “And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake,” the rest of that verse says, “but he that endured to the end shall be saved.” Matthew 10: 22   .
 I know sometimes it feels like we may not make it until he returns, but we can endure until the end. If  it were not possible, he wouldn't have said it. I  know that we  say for Christ I live and for Christ I die, but what  happens when you experience that hate that Jesus talked about.  What happens if you get beat or thrown in jail for the love of Christ? What if? I ask because it is happening now. The Devil and his minions have succeeded in birthing a nation of idol worship. Everything that has been set up to promoted and represent Christ have been torn down, and the statues and temples of Satan have been proudly built.  We live in times we the truth has become a lie, and good is seen as evil and evil is said to be good. We truly live in the end times, and it will get no easier for us who trust in Christ.

        I admonish you to hold on and be  encouraged. Even when we are under attack we still have to show the love of our savior. Even though the world is raging against us, we have to show the world that Christ loves them too and is always ready to receive them into his arms. He warned to remain humble and loving. “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore, wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” Matthew 10:16  We will be persecuted , some beaten and hurt for the love of our savior, but remember just as much as the world hates us God loves us more. Keep pressing toward the mark. Remain under his ark of safety. For the time is almost here that we will be in the place he has prepared for us.  Be blessed, be encouraged, and remember he loves us. 

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