Monday, June 27, 2016

Surround Yourself with Builders

In the times we live in there are so many people who are haters. Haters who try and tear down people for,
what they believe, what they have, who they are, and what they could be. They are the wolves in sheep’s clothing in our lives, they are the courtside watchers waiting for us to fail. When you discover who they are, get and stay away from them. Remember the demolition workers are necessary for the renovation of a house, but be careful who they are. Some only come for the purpose to tear down, and have no intention and don’t know how to build up. There are those who are used to tear down so that something better can be built in us. Because of the potential in that is within. Although hard to find these days, a person who can truly build you up without a destructive motive is a God send. They are gifted people with vision and an ear to hear. Builders help in your development, they repair and instruct, and construct.

Surround yourself with builders. Those who trying their best to be better in every way. Those who have a vision and everyone around them is handling their business. Do not only surround yourself with builders be a builder. Be a blessing, not a burden. Be someone who gives and not always taking. Be that person who encourages, uplifts, pouring into the lives of people. Find builders glean from the wealth of information they “have to offer”. They didn’t get where they are without gaining some wisdom along the way. Surround yourself with builders and learn from them. Yesterday I was sitting in the midst of builders, and it blessed me. Just to sit and listen to the wisdom and experience, helped me in so many ways, and it open up my eyes. They have been a part of my development, I love that

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