Saturday, June 4, 2016

Things Grow in our Valleys

Everyone is always looking for the mountain top experience or being on the mountain top in their lives. We believe that being on the mountain top is highest and happiest place you can be, and that may be true but it only lasts for a moment. Soon after being on the mountain top you began your descent into the valley. A valley is a low place, and no one wants to be in a valley place. The reason is we always associate the valley with things such as depression, loss, and other bad things that happen to us. Many believe that the valley is designed for the test and trials and that it is the dry places in our lives. However, I am here to tell you that the valley is a setup blessing that we perceive to be horrible. Most will get into the valley of life and shut down and get depressed. The valley is the place you should sow because there can be an abundance in the valley. Things can grow. When looking at a valley, valleys are mostly grassy places, and there are trees, you need 10-15 inches a year in the rain for grass to grow, and you need 15- 20 inches of rain for trees to grow. On top of that, most rivers and streams of water flow down into the valley.   Water, grass, and trees bring food and life to other things in the valleys. Which tells me that valleys are indeed not places of dryness but a place of growth.  It is our perception of it that makes us weep in our valley time, and that make us hope for another mountain peak, where hardly anything grows. Our valleys are meant for things to grow and bring life to things in our lives.

The valley is a place of good ground. Remember even though you are in the valley and may weep, it is a time of growth and restoration. It is a place of life and not death. It is a place of rest before the climb back up the mountain.  When we feel low, and in despair it is our pain that pushes our seeds in to the soil, and it is our tears that is the rain that water our seeds.  When we began to cry the rain starts, think about it watering our gifts, the ministry that we have been called to do, our businesses, and the seeds we have sown.  Get ready for things to grow because the lord is working on the fields of our souls.  We have to keep pushing through the valley. We have to remember to keep moving.  For our time in the valley lasts only for a moment. Then we are on our way climbing back up the mountain.  Be encouraged and always remember that those seed you planted with your pain, and the tears you use to water them, will continue to grow.  Everything in our life has purpose, but how we perceive things, can be a blessing or a curse. We can miss out on great opportunities of sowing because the way see and interpret our valleys. Let us change our perception of our life valleys. Use them as opportunities to plant and water and remember ,  Valleys are a blessing!! Be encourage, and stay strong. 

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