Thursday, June 23, 2016

Think Big!!!

I Confess!! I'm Guilty!!!! I Began to think out side the box but my thoughts, goals and vision never
left the room. I had the right ideas in a mini note book, the right ingredients but the wrong measurements.  I'm guilty!  Of letting poverty minded conditioning cover and hide, the acres of possibility. Having acres of opportunity but instead I shrink them down to a small lot size. Why didn't I remember before that although it's my vision my eyes are not Gods eyes.  I was thinking to small. Smaller than the potential in me, smaller than how I was made. I was made to do big things,  intentionally. You see we have great visions, but we allow it to stop there. Never gaining the "Know How," the information we needed to make that vision a reality. Today , I realized that there are so many other things that can come from one idea, one vision, and one business. And that we are so one track minded , we miss opportunities to jump on other tracks in our reach .  We allow low self-esteem to paralyze us, and keep us from making that leap. But Today, I declare that is over. I Declare that every Idea, Dream, Goals, and vision will come to reality. I declare that fear is eliminated and destroyed. I declare that my eyes are open to see and acknowledge every open door, opportunity, and avenue I need to take. In Jesus Name

I encourage you today to expand your way of thinking.  If you own a business think about how you can bring more money to your business . If it's a  physical store think about expanding to an online store, and vice versa. Whatever vision or/and plan you have, take it out the box and don't in sit in the room on a self,  work it until you have reached the top. Gain all the information you need. Many businesses fail in the first two years because lack of management skills and  because the lack the "know how".  Remember Think Big, there is more to you than what you have been putting forth. It is more in you than what you are doing now.  If something doesn't work, go back to the drawing board it is not a failure until you quit. Don't sit on those gifts, ideas, vision, and businesses you have inside of you. Don't let anything or anyone (including yourself)  get in your way. You got this!! You can do this!! You were made for it! Think Big!! The Sky is not the Limit!

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