Tuesday, June 14, 2016

What's Your Anthem!!!

Have you ever had a song that is  apart of your routine in the morning that just gets you hype and motivated. The one everyone tired of hearing you play, and when it comes on every one looks at you. LOL!  Do you have something that you quote everyday or declarations you make?  These are the things that help make life just a tiny bit easier to get things done that you may not really want to do.   Its your anthem . An anthem is
 1. A rousing or uplifting song identified with a particular group, body, or cause.
 2:  A song or hymn of praise or gladness
 What is your Anthem? Something that encourages you. Something that gives you that extra boost! Something that you declare, something sing or speak. I  encourage you to find you anthem or make one.  In the times you feel low , play your song, say you declaration or scripture. I pray that it uplifts you! I am going to leave you with my anthem song and I pray it blesses you!! Have a great rest of the day!! 

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