Sunday, May 29, 2016

A Sunday Prayer

Dear Lord,

First I start by saying thank you! Thank you for life, thank you for everything you provide for me, and most of all Lord thank you for be you. Lord we live in a society that says that you are not real, but I thank you for being real in my life. Lord through everything that I’ve been through, I thank you for keeping me from jumping over board. My heart is yours, mind is yours. I surrender them to you always. Lord, bless this day, help me to see you in every inch of my day. Jesus please open my eyes, to see those things that come against me and my relationship with you. You are omniscient, and nothing is hid from your sight. I ask today that nothing is hid from my sight. I pray, nothing hinders me from hearing you today. You are my king, my savior, you are awesome, and holy. Your n
ame is above every name and I bless you. I pray for an experience with you. I ask that you strengthen your people, your leaders, and all those who are struggling. I pray your keeping power on all those who read, and I pray that if they don’t have a relationship that you will show yourself real to them today. I pray no weapon formed against us shall prosper. I pray that you will help us stay in line with your will and not the will of others. I pray that you reveal the true intent of those around us.  I pray that we don’t miss the purpose from you that is chasing us. I pray that we don’t miss destiny moments.  Lords I pray that you are pleased with my life, and you help me along this journey. I pray that you bless every positive endeavor I have. Bless my family and friends, bless all those that I come in contact with lord. Today, I pray that you bless those who recite this prayer, I pray most of all that you bless this prayer.  In Jesus name, AMEN.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Just one of those Days!

There are times when we just feel stuck or in a rut. Feeling like when are things going to pick up for me, when things are going to start flowing for me. It’s sometimes hard to watch people be blessed in your face when it feels like you’ve been waiting for decades.  It’s hard when you feel left behind and unwanted by those you are closes too.  Sometimes feeling down and discouraged about the way things are going in your life. Being stuck in the routine of life can also make you thirsty for new adventures and new experiences. Sometimes you can feel like that for a long time until you feel like crying or screaming. Trust me we all have or have had those days where we just feel like that.  Today is one of those days for me. I know I have things going good with me but I’m just feeling like when are things going to really happen for me. Although I’m in the beginning stages of something better, the wait for it, can be so discouraging and disheartening. I’m not the type to really be jealous of others, but in the back of my head I’m like come on!!!!! Get to me already. LOL!!   When you feel like this, that is when your search should began. The search for some fun things to do, find a hobby, or something creative to do. Have some “Me Time”.   It is easy to get caught up in the routine of life that its sucks all the life out of you.  I encourage you to pursue dreams and goals you have. Revisit previous things that make you feel awesome.   Remember that there is a brighter future ahead for you! Great things and blessing are still coming your way. Hold on! Keep pressing! Its just one of those days for me , So I will take my own advice and keep pressing and find something to do. Thank you for reading, Be Blessed!

Friday, May 27, 2016

Are you ready for Love?

So many people are searching for Love, real love, and feel that it is hard to find. However I ask, are you really ready for that kind of real love?  I was thinking today, and asked myself, where I would be if I just accepted some of the advances that had been made towards me in the Love department.  Would I really have been truly ready to be with someone? Would I have been ready to give someone a piece of me or a place in my heart, the answer is NO!! I know for the people who have a revolving door of dates, and relationships may not really understand where I’m coming from, and that’s ok. However As I was reflecting, I began to see and understand the things that were going on with me and why I couldn’t give anyone the time of day. I was so broken, I had low self-esteem, I didn’t know my worth, and was in no position to be trying to date or be with anyone. It wouldn’t be fair to take all my baggage and present it with myself to someone.  It wouldn’t be fair to take someone on a roller-coaster I didn’t understand how to get off of.  Nor would it be fair to constantly push someone away who’s fighting to know me and my love because I didn’t know myself.  Many times I wanted to be in a relationship, or married, but I lack those things that are healthy for love.

 We sometimes lack the things that we need as individuals before we become pairs, and wonder why we have so many failed relationships. 1st You need good self-esteem and be secure with yourself. It is nothing more tiring them someone trying to convince of how great you are and not being received.  You absolutely need to know your worth, its apart of your self-esteem. If you don’t know your worth it will leave you vulnerable, and at risk of being and staying in a relationship that is all wrong for you, lacking the confidence and back bone to set boundaries. I believe we fall in love with the idea of being in love.  We watch so many movie that we think that’s really what it is all about, and thinking that when we get in a relationship it’s suppose to rain rainbows and cotton candy. LOL!! There is a lot that goes in to being in a partnership (relationship), and we need to be ready to put in a real effort.  Are you really ready for love? Are you ready to build with someone, and compromise? Are you ready to not be right all the time? Are you ready to actually make an effort? If the answer is yes, Please make sure you don’t make anyone carry your baggage and don’t play with anyone’s heart. 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

The close of a Chapter!

We go through so many seasons in our lives, every one bringing its own share of ups and downs.  Its own set of surprises and challenges.  Seasons that bring both loss and gain. However, a season is only a part of something bigger. A Chapter!  Let me explain, when reading a book you will find that years, months, and days can go by for any character. The character can experience many changes, and will often mature as the time goes. Seasons can go by and you can still be in the same chapter. A chapter is not limited to certain amount of time or issues, and no matter what you go through in a previous chapter of your life, every chapter differs from another. It’s really up to the author to determine when the chapter is over. Chapters end and begin with a shift! For example, When Jesus was on the cross and he said “It is Finished,” it closed the chapter of being under the dispensation of the law. It also opened up a new chapter (dispensation) called grace! 

 I am approaching the end of a chapter in my life and it is bringing so many mixed feelings. I am happy and feel like crying at the same time. It’s amazing when you spend a chunk of your life in a certain place and when the end of it comes, you reflect and appreciate how far you’ve come. Especially when you didn’t think you would make it in the first place. This chapter in my life has truly shown me what it means to be strong and grateful, and blessed. It has shown me the essence of growth. It has not been an inch of easy, but I survived and endured every stumbling block placed in front of me to trip and fail. I’ve grown, matured, and am ready to move on to the next chapter in my life.  It’s interesting because it is at the end of the chapter when the story gets the juiciest. It leaves you with anticipation and desire to keep reading.  In life it is just the same, it leaves you excited and/or anxious for what’s next. I encourage you to appreciate the seasons and events that makes up your chapter, and when the chapter is over move on with grace and purpose.  Your story has already been written, but as it unfolds to you, live it to its fullest.   


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Know Your Worth!

Knowing your worth is one of the most important revelations in life. However, we live in a society where this is not instilled in us. It is very important to understand and have confidence in knowing we have worth. We must be able stand our ground and not waver when we our worth and integrity is challenged. Not just in intimate relationships, but work, business, and friendships. Knowing our worth determines so many thing such as, what you are willing to accept and put up with from others, and what you can and are willing to bring to the table. Also it is how you present yourself or what you are bringing to that table. There are many things that can hinder you from knowing your worth here are a few. 1.  Low Self Esteem, is the number one reason individuals don’t know and understand their worth. If you have low self-esteem you are walking that line of not believing your worth anything. 2. Staying in any relationship where people constantly tare, and put you down. 3. Staying in relationships where you are constantly being lied to, cheated on, manipulated or abused. If business, lack of promotion (if it’s definitely room to grow and you are doing an amazing job) or someone tries to insultingly negotiate your services or products like they aren’t worth anything. 4. Allowing family and/or friends to talk and treat you any way they please, and allowing them to continue humiliating, and degrading you. 5. When you allow people too constantly to put you, your character, and ideas down, it shows the lack of understanding of your worth.

        When someone knows their worth, they are not willing to accept any treatment. They have confidence and need no validation from others! When someone knows their worth they have integrity and carry themselves in a certain manner. You can’t just bring B.S and think they are going to just accept it. They will not let someone continue to step on them or cut them down. They know what they can bring to the table and will not be manipulated or talked out of what they know is theirs. When someone knows their, they will fall back and stop people in their tracks, when they are not being treated according how they know or believe they should. They carry themselves respectfully, and have no problem giving respect.  Knowing your worth is very important indeed. I am in that lesion right now, and I am learning to fall back and not just accept everything. It can be a long process, learning your worth. However, it one of the best lesson that you will carry throughout life. It is a lesson that everyone needs to learn.  The truth is if you don’t know it, you will never live up to your true potential, and you never get all that life has for you.  Thank you for reading!    

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Crushes, Do you have one?

Have you ever had a crush? Crushes are cute but most of the time just plain disappointing. You have the ones with possibilities and ones that will never go any further than you mind. The ones that take over your imagination.  Keep butterflies in your stomach no matter how long you have the crush. I’m talking about the ones you can’t shake, and when your think it’s gone something happens where you see or hear about the person, and all those feelings come back like a flood. Then you’re stuck again, back to the rainbows and butterflies. LOL!!    I’ll tell you a little about my crush which feels everlasting. It began a couple of years ago out of nowhere. I’ve known this person since about 4th grade. Went to 3 years of middle school together and separated in high school. I reconnected with them a little while later. This person is charming, sweet, funny, and an all-around good person. This person has always been very attractive, and has always had their attention fought for.  I’ve always been a little flirt but around this person I’m bashful, nervous, and I feel all the blood constantly in my cheeks. It’s crazy because growing up I didn’t like this person like that, but as an adult having reconnected, I found myself really crushing hard. Every time I’ve ever got up the nerve and decided to tell them how I feel they are in a relationship. SMH!! I often find myself wondering if they feel the same way. There were times I felt the signs were all there. Times when would we would run into each other and there was an opportunity to say something and I punked out. Lol Times when they looked at me and I would melt inside.  I fear I will never know the truth. Hopefully this crush will pass.

Crushes are natural, and they happen quite often.  Crushes are the hope for something more or the attraction that arrests you. However they come if the person is free, fess up and see where it goes from there, before they get snatched up. The person you are crushing on might feel the same and just too nervous or scared to tell you.    Either way good luck.  When you hook up with a crush there is so much passion and fun that can be experienced. Having a crush can make you feel like a giggling school girl, smiling like a chester cat. It can also leave you a little disappointed if the person does not share your feelings. If it’s your friend, it can change the relationship for some time, and will leave an awkwardness whenever are around each other for a while.  Trust me I know, it is hard to tell someone you are attracted to them. No one likes to be rejected but it’s better than never knowing.  Sigh!! Crushes are a headache!!  Thank you for reading, I would love to hear some of your crush stories. Leave it in the comments below. 

Monday, May 23, 2016

What’s your passion?

There are so many things we do, and task we take on in our lives. Things that make us excited and intrigued, however we can sometimes still
feel so unfulfilled. I’ve been asked so many times what my passion is. And most of the time I can’t give a complete answer. Most of the time I give what I think is my passion but on the inside I am unsure. It often bothered me when people asked me that question. It grips my heart and brain making me search the deep parts of my mind trying to really figure it out. Recently, I was talking to someone dear to me and I realized that it’s not just me feeling unfulfilled. I think this needs to be our search. What is our passion? 
What makes us happy to do, and what would we do even if we didn’t get paid? 

This has been my search for this year. Finding what my passion is and finding the things that make me feel like I’ve accomplished something. I believe some of us have found things that we are passionate about, but when it was in our face we overlooked it. Sometimes we need to go back and revisit previous things that made our hearts burn with love, and excitement leaving us wanting more.  I encourage you hold on to those healthy things that make you feel that way.  Those are the things that you become passionate about.  It doesn’t matter if you have to do those things alone.  
When you find your passion hold on to it. Because people spend a life time trying to find theirs. Good Luck and blessing to those who have not!! Seize the day and pay attention, you might just find your passion.  Here are some questions /things to help you on your journey:

1.       What are you good at?
2.       What excites you?
3.       What do you read about?
4.       What have you secretly dreamed of?
5.       Experiment, try.
6.       Banish your fears.
7.       Find the time.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Life is but a Vapor

I often worry about the time we have left on this earth. In the times we live in today, it seems as if time has sped up.   It looks as if the end of the world is tomorrow, and today is almost over.  I wonder if I will ever accomplish my dreams and goals. Will I ever see marriage and have children; I wonder how much time my family members has left. It plagues my mind often. Although I am making progress toward the things I hope for, I still ask myself will I finish.  I am learning to appreciate each day, and to make the best of it. I am learning to choose wisely who and what I allow to take up the time I have. We can’t get time back so we have to make sure it’s taken up with the things that make us happy or the things we actually want to do. Why?  Because life will pass us by and we’ll look up and time will run out.  I know we as human beings think we have all the time we need, but the truth is tomorrow is not promised. 

Life is but a vapor, and vapor disappears in seconds. I encourage you to make the best of your day. Don’t dwell on petty mishaps. Don’t dwell on things you can do nothing about. Seize the day and take control of your happiness. Don’t spend time being a people pleaser or a yes man. Don’t spend your time doubting yourself or God.  I am learning to be unapologetically me, and I think everyone should.  Be the best you, you can be! Follow your dreams and purpose. The truth is we don’t know when it’s all over so you should live everyday as your last. I am fighting to get to this place, living like every day is my last. I am making the adjustments I need, so that I don’t waste time that I can’t get back. Finding the things I that love and doing that. Find what fulfills you. Get excited about life, command happiness, and protect your joy! Thank you for reading!! Bless you all love bugs!! 

Thursday, May 19, 2016

I will wait for you (JANETTE P4CM)

So it seemed
That is was cool
For everyone to be in a relationship but me
So I took matters into my own hands
And ended up with him
Him who displayed the characteristics of a cheater, a liar, an abuser, and a thief
So why was I surprised when he broke into my heart
I called 9-1-1
But I was cardiac arrested
For aiding and abetting
Cuz it was me who let him in
Claiming we were just friends
It was already decided for me by the first day
That even if he wasn’t
I was going to make him the one
You know I was tired of being alone
And I simply made up in my mind
That it was about that time
So I decided to drag him along for the ride
Cuz I was always the bridesmaid and never the bride

A virgin in the physical
But mentally just a grown woman on the corner in heat
Who was tired of the wait
So I was gonna make him the one
He had a form of Godliness
But, not much
But, but, Hey, Hey
I can change him
So I’ll take him
I mean he’s close
Ready to sell my aorta for a quarter
Not knowing the value of its use to me
Arteries so clogged with my will
It blocked His will from flowing through me
So I thank Christ that His blood pressure gave this heart an attack that
Flat lined my obscured vision
Put me flat on my back
Through my ignorance He saw
So through my sternum He sawed
And cracked open my chest
To transplant Psalm 51:10
A new heart
And a renewed right spirit within
So now I fully understand
Better yet, I thoroughly comprehend
How much I need to wait for you

See, the bad thing is that
I knew he was you from the beginning
Cuz in the beginning was the Word
And he didn’t even sound or shine like your Son
Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks
And all he could whisper was sweet empty nothings
Which meant nothing
He couldn’t even pray when I needed him to
Asking him to fast would be absurd
So forget about being cleansed and washed with water through the Word
But I know you
You were already praying for me
Even never having met me
Let me assure you

I will wait for you
I will no longer date, socialize or communicate with carbon copies of you
To appease my boredom
Or to quench my thirsty desire for attention to short lift compliments from sorta kindas
You know he’s sorta kinda right
But, sorta kinda wrong
His first name Luke
His last name Warm
I, I wont settle for false companionship
I won’t lay in the embrace of his arms attempting to find some closeness
But never feeling so far apart
Cuz I just wanna be held
♪ Cuz all I gotta do is say ♪

No more almost sessions of almost coming close
Passing winks and buying drinks
And ♪ I’m a, I’m a, I’m a flirt ♪
Who flirts with the ideology of
Can you just tell me how much I can get away with and still be saved?
No more
I’ll stay in my bed, alone, and write poems about how I will wait for you
He won’t even come close
Our fingers won’t even interlock
We won’t even exchange breath
Cuz I have thoughts that I’ve saved as in a file
That God has only equipped you to open
I will no longer get weighted down from so called friends and family talks
About the concern for my biological clock
When I serve the author of time
Who is not subject to time
But I’m subject to Him
He has the ability to stop, fast forward, pause or rewind at any given time

So if we could role play
You would be Abraham and I would be Sarah
Or you could be Isaac and I could be Rebecca
A servants answered prayer
I am bone of your bone
Flesh of your flesh
Made up of your rib, Adam
And once we meet
Like electrons I will be bound to your nucleus
Completely indivisible, Atom
We even speak the same math
1 + 1 + 1 = 3
Which really equals one if you add HIM
We were all created in His image
But you have the ability to reflect, project and even detect the Son
If I were to explain what you look like
You would have to look like a star

A son of the Son
I would gain energy simply from the light that you shine on me
I would need you in order to complete my photosynthesis
I await your revelation but once again from the genesis
I will wait for you
And I will know you
Because when you speak I will be reminded of Solomon’s wisdom
Your ability to lead will remind me of Moses
Your faith with remind me of Abraham
Your confidence in Gods word will remind me Daniel
Your inspiration will remind me of Paul
Your heart for God will remind me of David
Your attention to detail will remind of Noah
Your integrity will remind me of Joseph
And your ability to abandon your own will remind me of the Disciples
But your ability to love selflessly and unconditionally will remind me of Christ
But I won’t need to identify you by any special Matthews
Or any special Marks
Cuz His word will be tatted all over your heart
And you will know me
And you will find me where

Boldness of Esther, meets the warm closeness of Ruth
Where the hospitality of Lydia is aligned with the submission of Mary
Which is engulfed in the tears of a praying Hannah
I will be the one
Drenched in Psalms 31
Waiting for you
But to my Father, my Father who has known me before I was birthed into this Earth
Only if you should see fit
I desire your will above mine
So even if you call me to a life of Single-ness
My heart is content with you
The one who was sent
You are the greatest Love story ever told
The greatest Love ever known
You are forever my Judge
And I’m forever your witness
And I pray that I’m always found on a mission about my Fathers business
I will always be yours
And I will always wait for you Lord
More than the watchmen wait for the morning
More than the watchmen wait for the morning

You can watch it here

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Finding My Voice

When I was younger I was annoyingly out spoken. I was always pointing out others lies and called them on their crap. I was nowhere near staying in a kids place nor a teenager's place. However I kept it real always, even when came to me. At the age of 16 I decided to go to church and I believe this is where I lost my voice. I'm not church bashing nor am I saying it’s their fault.  But, when you are broken and thinking something is wrong with you, thinking that all this stuff couldn't possible happen to you before the age of 16, and it must be something you’re doing. You began to try to bury the person you were created to be, thinking god couldn't possible love me nor want me as is. You began to suppress and try to mold in to something else, and someone else, you don’t want to be who you are. You really don’t know who you are. At that time, I lost my voice trying to find a different tone.  Spiraling in and out of depression, constantly being broken down by someone who thought they were helping, but in reality adding to my push to suppress me and become something else. 
                 Years pass and I had become someone who let people walk all over them and did whatever someone told me to do. In the back of my mind, wanting to tell them to go somewhere and get out of my face. I submitted, because I did want to be that girl again.  That girl who had an attitude and rude, hard and bold. I was still broken, not realizing, that it was exactly who I am. The Real me.  Now an adult and the light came on one day and I realize that everything I tried to get away from and suppress was exactly who I am. Out spoken and brutally honest. Loving and nurturing, it sounds like a contradiction but it’s who I am. I began to love my self and understand he made me that way for a reason. We began to dig her up, clean her up, and put back together any broken pieces shattered by others and myself. I am finding my voice, day by day, post by post.  Now I speak how I feel in wisdom, and I try my best to think before I speak. I also realize I don’t have to say everything and I know when to shut my mouth. Things that only come with maturity. I encourage you to find your voice if you lost or suppressed it. Not for any one else but for yourself. It will free a piece of your identity, and empower you in many ways.  Don’t let anyone shut you up, don’t let anyone tell you that what you have to say is not important.  Don’t let anyone, not even yourself. Make you feel like you can’t express yourself, someone will listen.   Your voice matters, Speak out!    

                                                                                   Thank You

Monday, May 16, 2016

What would you tell your younger self?

This morning as I was watching a clip of the real, and they did a segment asking what you would tell your younger self. They presented pictures of themselves now with their younger self. As I watched it I began to cry because there is so much I would tell her. First, I would hug her and love on her because she really needed it.  I would tell her that everything will be ok and she will be ok. As a child, I endured a lot, a lot of loneliness and low self-esteem because esteem wasn’t being built up.  There was nothing preparing me for the future. My mother and father were consumed in themselves because what life dealt them. Which left me and my brothers to fin for ourselves emotionally, partially physically.
She needed someone to pour into her and nurture her. She needed someone to guide her and correct her. She needed someone to invest in her, most of all someone say, I Love you. I would love to tell myself at a younger age it’s not their fault (my parents). They are hurting and they love you no matter what. I would tell her that she is bright and smart. She can do anything. 

I would let her know how gifted and creative she is, and how God has a plan for her. I would tell her don’t hold grudges toward the people that have hurt her and pray for them. I would say don’t let people walk all over you. Most of all I would tell her to believe in herself and keep trying, find a way. I realizes because I was dropped as a kid, it spilled over into my adulthood. It took me some time to get it together, and there was a lot of time wasted.  I am grate for where I am now. I have blossomed in to a beautiful, confident, awesome women.

Sometimes it is hard to look back at the life you have left behind, but I believe it will help us to be grateful of where we are now and how far we have come. Life can hand  a crappy deal, but I say you are a Diamond in the rough, and everything you’ve gone through was just you cleaning and cutting to become a more beautiful you. One with more clarity and value.  I encourage you to take sometime today and try this exercise, and I pray that it encourages your heart. God bless!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Speak Life

It is said that Death and life are in the power of the tongue! Often times we speak without thinking. We allow negativity out of our mouths in to the atmosphere. We allow our situations and frustrations to determine how we speak over our lives and the lives of others. We speak death because of harsh test and trials that come, and also because of how something or someone makes us feel. It does not matter how great we spoke over our selves the days before. If we speak negatively in the mist of our struggles, it still attracts negativity.  We often hear that misery loves company, but so does negativity.   It is the law of attraction that what we send out, we get back.  When we are negative, usually the people around us are negative. It’s the law of attraction.  We have to remember that when we think, speak, and act negative, negative things happen. Let’s say goodbye to negativity! The negative things, and people in our lives. Let’s get rid of the parts of us that are negative, and began to speak life (positive).  

Today I say speak life. Speak positive.  Don’t allow yourself or the people in your circle to be negative. Because it is contagious.  We want great things to come our way, and we don’t want to slow them down by having a force field of negativity (Death) around us. Sometimes a little positivity can brighten a gloomy day, and give you hope for a better one. Speaking life can give you the fuel you need, to make the things in your life get better. Speaking life is the beginning of a change in your perception, and when you continue to speak life your perception will be changed. I’m not gonna say only focus on the positive because that’s not reality, but I will say learn from the negative things that happened. Bring and speak life in to any dead situation. Just as the dry bones were a dead situation and God breathed life into them, let him be your example and you do the same.   Speak life no matter how difficult it gets, speak life even when negativity is all you see. Speak life because it’s a slap in the face to enemy, and speak life because you need to live. When we learn to do this, life is just a bit easier to bear.  When we learn to do this we will notice our vision has become much more clear. Speak life  because with out it we are dead. So speak life because we only have one life to live! 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

You don’t have to take it!!

I don’t understand why people think that they can do and say anything they want to you and think you are just suppose to accept it.  Like, for the last few years I have really been noticing how, crazy and emotionally selfish people really are. People will do or say something crazy to you and swear, you did something to them. Like what’s up with that.  People will do things to you and will want you to forgive them and move on, but do one tiny thing to them, it’s all over. LOL!!! Sometimes you even have to do anything, it could be in their head.  
 People are crazy! Not only that. But, Society will make you feel like you have to prove yourself at every point in your life.  You don’t have to take it!! People think you are suppose to accept how they treat you and how they feel about you, you don’t!! And, if you allow yourself to be sucked in to the way they view you. You will constantly find yourself unhappy and trying to find someone you probable already knew you were. 

Those kinds of thing will make you second guess yourself and become more insecure if you allow it to.  It’s ok to be yourself, its ok to be different. It’s ok not be someone’s door mat.   You don’t have to be anyone’s cheerleader.  Take time to focus on you, and work on you.  You are becoming a better you! You have to take anyone’s crap. Always remember that! Always remember people come and go, and you are not a rest stop. A place where they use the bathroom and drop their trash. Stand up for yourself and keep it moving! A plane can’t take off if it has too much weight.  


Wednesday, May 11, 2016


I love you and there is no doubt about it. The way you speak, the way you are always concerned about me. I mean the way you see me is even amazing.  Beautiful brown, more like beige and a little crazy.  Our love is purposed driven and destiny bound straight into eternity. The love you show is a fire that continually blazes inside of me.  It unquenchable and uncontainable, it’s like a wild fire, and  it reaches the driest places of me. Sometimes it’s like water giving life to my garden of future, helping me grow into a better me .Your plan for me is everything, you know my end from the beginning. 

You know my thoughts afar off, you bless me to be an original and not a knockoff.  How great is your love for me that you make Satan the enemy ask for permission to even touch me.  And even if you tell him yes, it’s because you trust me! You give me tough love because   it toughens me. Sometimes it gets ruff, but I love you more each day, no matter how many you have to wipe away. No matter how many times I want to walk away, your love caresses me to stay. You have the keys to my heart, yet you stand at the door and knock.  You’re a Gentleman, but you will always have a yes, you don’t have to knock the door will always be open for you.  You can always come in side and do whatever you want to do. I trust you! You will always lead me to be the best.  No one can do it better because you’re the best.     There is no love greater than yours, because you are love. This journey of life is awesome because of you, and its just beginning to bloom.  There is no doubt about, no question in my mind. I will always Love you Love and I know you will always love me.   
                                                                               - In love with Love

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Keep Moving

 Life can truly be ruff. It will make you to say forget it and jump off a bridge somewhere.  Sometimes it will make you feel depressed, angry, and bitter. It will sometimes suck all of the life out you, and you will feel worthless. It will be times that you lose hope, and the belief that your dreams and goals can be accomplished. The valleys of life will cause your very faith to be tested. It will take every part of your being to make it through.  The earthquakes of life will shake you until you breakdown, feeling as if you have lost everything. It will make you feel as if you are barely holding on to your sanity, but KEEP MOVING!!

Keep moving when your boss is hounding you, and you’re doing your best.
Keep moving when you kids aren’t listening, and you’re about to knock them in to next year.
Keep moving when you feel like giving up, and giving in to the person you use to be.
Keep moving , when everyone  has walked away, when you feel like God isn’t listening, and when you feel like the sun just might not come out tomorrow,
You have to keep moving when you feel like ending it all, and when you feel like you’re not going to make it.
Keep moving when it feels like that life continuously throws bricks at you.
Keep Moving!!

    Why? Because your strong, because you have purpose and a destiny. The world needs you. Because without you life wouldn’t be the same.  Because without you, we will be missing out on the greatest person ever made. Because nobody can be you better than you can!   God made you special. You’re a limited edition honey!   Why?  Because there is something in you that needs to be shared with others to help them.  Because you want to live! Because although it feels like an everlasting night, the Sun has no choice but to come out in the morning.   Keep Moving, you can’t stop. If you stop you’ll never reach what’s right before you, what's waiting for you! Keeping moving, because what you’re reaching for is inches away. Keep moving even when your feet get heavy. Keep moving, even when detours comes up.  I encourage you to Keep moving, you will make it, you will succeed . Your goals will be accomplished, your dreams will become reality. Please keep moving, no matter what or who tells you, you can’t. Please keep moving, no matter what tries to block you, or distract you. Keep Moving it will get better!!!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Undercover Haters

Life brings a wide variety of people in your life. People that are there to bless you, and be an inspiration, and be an encouragement to you.   You have some people who are there only temporally and, those who are a constant in your life. There are some that are there to teach you many things like a mentor, and some that are there for one purpose. What every the reason or the length of time, and under cover hater can always be lurking in one of those people. Those undercover haters never take off their mask until you make a step forward in the right direction. They are ok until you actually accomplish something. They are ok as long as they feel a step ahead of you and sometimes that doesn’t even matter. Undercover haters are everywhere and can be anyone. One thing I know is that in there heart of hearts they are sooo jealous of you and any thing you do that’s good. They will always feel like they are lacking when you do something good. They can be a millionaire, but let them see you accomplish your goal of buying a lemon (car) that may coast 1,000. They will feel as if they are not doing enough. They can have all they dream in life, but will hate on you for accomplishing your goals.  Undercover haters will pop out at the unexpected times, boiling mad, wanting to cut you up because your succeeding at something. 

You have those undercover hater that are ok as long as you their wing man, but as soon as you gain some independence, here comes that green eyed monster (Jealous). These are those people that sow seeds of doubt in you. These are those that will try to discourage you from doing something that’s working. Sometimes they will try to tell you it’s not working, or tell what needs to change to make you second guess yourself.  Undercover haters are the WORST!! They will build a relationship with you so they can feel as if there is someone beneath them or they will try to control what you do, in fear of you becoming better than them.   If you find yourself in a relationship with an undercover hater, Get away!! They will always be that because there is something in them that needs to be dealt with before they can be genuinely happy for you. They hate you for being you, because they feel like they can’t be who they desire to be. They feel stuck, and you’re moving. They feel unimportant, and they want you to feel that way also. Get away from them, it will benefit you. If you are making moves, you can’t afford to have people in your life that wish chains around your ankles.  Keep doing you, you would not have that undercover hater, if you were not doing something right.  Keep doing you, Boo!