Thursday, September 29, 2016

Rejection is Temporary

                     This morning I had a dream that reminded me of all the rejection I've experienced
and sometimes still at times struggle with. It's interesting to have untapped greatness in you, but have to sit and wait because it not your time yet. Having to wait because God still has to work things in and out of you. Having to wait because your still shaky in your walk with him. When this happens it's easy to become frustrating  when hearing, seeing  a glimpse of what God wants to do or has for you to do  , and having to wait for the manifestation of it. We have to be careful not to move out of Gods timing. We forget that every vision , instruction, and  prophecy  is for a set time which may not be in the near future. We also have to be careful not to link up with people who is as equally if not more frustrated than we are. Two people with the same frustration can make one feel right about the wrong things and cause an even bigger problem.  See rejection is disheartening and can cause one to loose momentum , and if repeated, can often  cause one to shut down and not try again. Rejection can cause one to be hesitant to put forth a future effort and hold back when they definitely should speak up.
           Rejection is not always a complete no, sometimes it is not your time. Youre not baked all the way , and you need to stay in the oven a little longer. Your ideas , gifts and talents are great, and are needed in the  world of  today. When we are rejected we have to ask ourselves, although what I bring is good, is it the right moment. Am I giving it to the right place, and am I giving it to the right people? We have to remember everything is not about us and the way we feel. Just as we have felt that hard rejection, we have to be mindful of other people and try not make them feel the way we have felt many times.

            I pray that those of you that struggle with the spirit of rejection, that God would heal you and help you to stay strong when those times arise. Remember that even the prophets were not welcomed in their own countries.  Your time will come. Write the vision. Write down your ideas they may be for a  time that is not here yet. God bless you, remember you are valuble , everyone of Gods jewels is. God Bless you!! 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The God Thing!!

Have you ever heard someone make an “If I was God, there wouldn’t be,” Kind of a
statement. I have, and I hate it. We as humans are complex, and we are complicatedly engineered.  As a human, you can barely understand or even fathom how  we existence. How can anyone not believe that there is a God, and How can you think you can do a better job at being God. Now,  I would understand if you said that you don’t believe in any specific god, but none at all is foolish thinking.  In my Biological Psychology class, my teacher thinks both of those things that 1. There is no God, and 2. He would do a way better job. I wish you could have seen my face when he made the statement. I asked him why he doesn’t believe in god and his answer wasn’t unique or new it was the same ones that have been given for many of years. Disease, hunger, and Bugs. Lol!!  He says, “ if I were a god there would be no mosquitos or roaches. What horrible a god that would create those things.” It's amazing to me how people who say that they believe there is no god, are so quick to be offended and angry over something they don’t believe exists!!

People let me share something with you! We all have free will. We have the freedom to choose God or not. Yes, there may be consequences if we don’t choose him, BUT! you still have a choice. You have the freedom to do so or not.   Why?  you might ask. We have free will so we can make the choice  if we want to love God or not. Would you want a love that is forced? Would you want someone that you had to force to love you or someone that loves you freely? See love is not forced! If you have to force someone to love you, it’s not real love! So why is God any different? He gives us free will so that hopefully we will choose to love him.  I think that’s amazing!!! And it shows how much of a gentleman God truly is! He doesn’t force us to love him but makes us fall in love with him. Don’t let anyone talk you out of your love for God, he is real no matter if they believe he is or not! Remember EVERY Knee shall bow , and EVERY Tounge shall confess  that he is Lord. So it doesn’t matter, the naysayers can continue being foolish if they want, but  he is still real and I Love Him!! God Bless 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Discovery Monday

As many of you have read in my previous post, this has been a very interesting time in my life. the you, you are afraid to show people. People will never know how smart and wonderful you are until you come  out of that stuffy shell.  Discover what makes you happy, excited, and fulfilled!! You won't regret it I'm sure!!!!     Today is Discovery Monday!! 
I have been truly learning the unique weirdo that I am. I have learned how strong , resilient, and awesome I am. Yes, it has taken me some time, but every frustration and every hurt, and every night I've cried have been worth it!! God has shown me how gifted he has made me. I am grateful to God that he has shown me his love for me!! Today, I encourage you to Discover YOU!! Discover

Thursday, August 11, 2016

In Times of Change!

Hello, Beautiful people!! I hope everyone is doing well.

These last couple of weeks have been Jam packed, and  so many things have transpired.
I never use to think that one could mature so quickly. Until it happen to me. These last couple of months has been an interesting time for me. It has been fill with so much revelation, healing , and character building. I have been plucked and pulled and redirected in the spirit so many times, in this time.  It has not all felt good. There are times when I've been rebuked by God, and times when I've  had to rebuke me. In this season I've had to step back from things, and people. No shade, no ill will, but it was just my instruction for this semester of  growth. See  Growth is uncomfortable ,  It requires you to  first  be  planted. When you've  been planted  you're in the dirt and you are alone and  not seen  , you are being watered and fed sunlight while germination begins . Which means you have to guard what you are allowing your spirit to be fed. See in times of growth your  spirit has to be nurtured. Spend more time with the Lord and in his word.  It may feel like this time last forever but before you know it, you will crack the shell and began to push through,  pass the level you are on, and pushing is hard . After you push past the dirt (that level) you began to sprout into a whole new level.  A new level of ; anointing, power, understanding, ministry, and relationship with God.

I encourage all  of you  Gods seeds (his children) in this time of change. It may be a difficult time for you , and you may not understand everything that God  is taking you through but continue to push through. There is Purpose for each trial, lost person, everynight you cried, Everytime you wanted to give. There is PURPOSE. Trust his process!!  You know he didn’t bring you this far to let you die! You are becoming better. You are becoming that tree planted by the water , you will bring forth fruit in your season, and you will not be moved. You are his Seed, he planted you. HE shines on you because he is the Sun(Son), He waters you because he is the living water.  Be encouraged, Be encouraged!  Keep Going and Keep Growing.  God bless you 

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Spirit of Control

Listen !!

The Spirit of control is real!! And if some in your life is
operating in that spirit, it is best to get away. It will cause you to be under constant attack and in warfare . You will constantly be arguing or rebuking it . It is a Jezebel spirit!  I am constantly at odds with this spirit and am still in the process of Learning how to overcome it and defeat it. If someone in your life is doing things for you just so that you will do what they want, that is both manipulation and control. Kindly decline their next offer and if they ask why then have a conversation. If these twins Manipulation and control are in your relationships is not a real relationship of any kind, that I'm sure of. Why, because the moment you do not do what the person wants it’s a problem. We have all experienced this spirit, but  I will tell you this, Don’t let anyone control you! God should be the only one in control. Here are a few ways to know….

The following are some signs you are under the unhealthy control of another person:
1. The controlling person you are in close relationship with doesn't allow you to prove your point when in disagreement.
2. The controlling person manipulates you with temper tantrums and threats.
3. The controlling person constantly tries to make victims feel guilty or bad about the way they treat them when the opposite is really true.
4. The controlling person is always expecting more from you and is never satisfied.
5. The controlling person is always questioning your motives.
6. The controlling person is constantly putting you down.
7. The controlling person is used to always having their way.
8. The controlling person walks away from their responsibilities as a way to manipulate others.
9. The controlling person finds ways to impose their will in every situation.
10. The controlling person threatens to end the relationship.
12. The controlling person withholds physical affection.
 I’m going to add one;
13. They get angry and/ or Violent when you don’t do what they want!

To read the whole article click below

"12 Signs Someone Is Manipulating and Controlling You." Charisma News. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Aug. 2016. <>.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Fasting is a Must!!

Hello Awesome People!!

I must share this lesson I received yesterday. I and 2 others were talking with my pastor yesterday, and he began to share some things with us. One thing that he said that stood out to me,  he was talking about  when Moses was standing before the burning bush.  Moses was told :
“put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.”

My pastor said that his shoes represented the flesh, and the flesh was between him and the glory. It dawned on me , That this is the very reason  it is so important for us to fast. Because when we fast it is moving our flesh out of the way. Our flesh is in the way of us and God's glory.  We can’t get as close to Gods glory as we desire until we remove flesh out of the equation. Please do not misunderstand me , I know we can't actually take off our flesh nor can we get away from the daily encounters in our lives. However, When we fast we are dethroning our flesh (Taking the shoes from off our feet) .  Allowing us to draw closer to God, allowing us to stand on holy ground because where the presence of the Lord is raining it, becomes holy ground.  The full scripture says

And he said, Draw not nigh hither put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.” EXODUS 3:5

And he said, Draw not nigh hither,( Don’t come any closer) (But ) put off thy shoes from off thy feet, (Why)  for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.” ( and flesh is not welcome in his presence)EXODUS 3:5

The bible says that " That no flesh should glory in his presence."1 Corinthians 1:29) The flesh seeks its own glory and pleasing its self rather than God!Flesh represents  Sin, Disobedience, and unbelief  etc. It is not welcomed in the presence of God.   If we desire to get closer to God there will be times when we have to sacrifice some things to get closer to him.  We have to push ourselves too fast more and  dethrone this flesh, taking off the shoes on our feet so that we may stand on holy ground in the presence of GOD. Thank you!!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Barrier

Have you ever felt that there is so much unlocked potential in you? If so, have you ever
felt like it was bound up or held hostage behind some invisible barrier inside you? One night recently I sat with a part of me wanting to scream to the Lord for help and part of me understands what’s going on. Lately, I’ve been having so many mixed emotions. I've thought to myself maybe its just not my time yet, while the other side of me wonders if somehow an act of disobedience aborted and closed the door. We often wonder about our purpose, and we often look for that moment when our life will soar.  It's difficult when you feel that there is a part of you fighting strongly to keep you from reaching destiny . It's hard when you wish to move forward and feeling like your everything is glued to the place you are in.  It is one thing to desire something,  but without action, it does  get accomplished. I prayed to the Lord to help me put the action to my desires.  See faith without works is dead, and a plan of action without doing the action is a waste of time.

It's hard learning how to get out of your own way. It's hard shutting down the part of yourself that gets hurt when you see others reach their goals and dreams and you're struggling just to do better. Struggling just to hold on to the vision. As  tears fall and  as hard as you hold on the end of your rope Remember God always wants an R.O.I (Return on Investment) He didn’t put all this time , gifts, and purpose in you just to let it go to waste. Keep trying, Keep getting up, and Keep pushing. Some days we will feel like this, Not every day  will feel peachy. Remember to keep investing in yourself because God sure is, and he will collect on his investment.  Be encourage beautiful people, it will happen when you least expect it God hasn’t forgotten about you and you can bank on his promises.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Change-Up

Lately, my desires for certain things have made somewhat of a shift. My views and the ways I understand and perceive things have changed.  The way I operate is different now,and It's been a long time coming. In the past,  I have allowed my love for people around me to influence and pollute  me to a point where I was spiritually sick. I have lost great people, or they do not see me the same because of the poison I allowed in. I'm not blaming anyone but myself. However, I do encourage to be careful of the influences you allow around you.  Through all that I have been through, I'm still here, doing better than I ever thought I would even make it many to do. It took me letting some go, it took me to keep trying a million times. It took me to push past pain and illness, it took me to fight.  I had to change my thinking. My mind needed to be renewed. I had to change my atmosphere and many more things. I say,  If you are ever going to win in life there will be some things you have  to change also. Remember,  Change doesn’t always have to be bad , change can be good and sometimes just necessary.

           There comes a time in your life where every excuse and every hinderane that comes from inside of you , you have to over come.  Times that in spite of being tired, wanting to give up there is a push that you need to tap in to. See, we want change, but there is a lot of hard work that comes along  with change. Why? Because Change is an action word! And faith without works is dead.  Things not working , change up. Keep running in to the same wall, same people, and same problems its time to change your approach. Time to let some people go, its time to change the information you have, find some new information. Nothing happens by just sitting around waiting for change. Yes, We wait on God, But we wait while working. I am learning this and learning how to put action to my desires. I kicked out my excuses although they are valid, they do not help.  I encourage you to have a change up in your thoughts and actions to a direction of better, in a direction of greater. Let the Lord lead you and I’m sure you’ll reach your purpose. 

                                                                  Thank you for reading

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Stressful People

Get away from stressful people!!!!  Have you ever had someone in your life that when
you're around them they stress you out? Like their personality and the way they do thinks makes you feel like you’re a mile closer to having a nervous breakdown? I have!! The stressful person in my life is my mother. She is one of those really draining people that when you leave her presence, you need a long winters nap stressful.  Stressful to the point you want to limit the number of times you’re around her in a year. This week marks the countdown to my birthday and I am feeling annoyed and stressed out. I booked a trip and she invited herself ugh!!!! We are going to my aunt’s house Saturday because my cousins Birthday is the day before, and she is already creating drama and making me not want to go. At this point, I really want to cry. She does not care about anyone’s feelings or opinion but her own. She never stops talking and, overtaking or low-key trying to bully people and tells me to shut up on a regular. It’s just a drag. She is the type of person that does things to people and when they cut her off or feel some type of way about how she treated them, all of a sudden she got amnesia and she claims she did nothing...  If you have this type of person in your life run!!!!

I encourage you to break free from these kinds of people if you can. Don’t freely allow people to stress you out, and make you feel a heavy load of anxiety. Run!!!  Protect your space and your atmosphere!  Protect your spirit. If you have no choice but to be around stressful people. Pray, put on some soothing music. Try to meditate. As the very last result talk to them. I put it as the last result because sometimes, being stressful is just who they are, they don’t mean to be and sometimes all they need is a talking to. If they choose to continue and not even try to stop. Then you know that is not the person you should have in your space.  I must say do not take it as an opportunity to take out your frustration, nor tear down someone’s character because they make you feel a certain way. Stressful people are both toxic and draining. Be careful who you allow in your space.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

The Desires of your Heart!!

This morning as I sat quietly, I realized that the Lord had answered yet again another prayer and desire of
mine.  I have always prayed for my father’s family. Growing up I wasn’t close with them. Not because it  wasn’t possible, but because everyone who had the power to make that happen, didn’t make an effort. I’m not salty or anything but it became a desire of mine to meet them. I had siblings, aunts, uncles, and a great grandmother that I never met. It made me wonder about the other side of me. I wanted to meet them . I ask the Lord to let me see my great gran before she passed away. I went to thanksgiving 2014 and met her and a few months later she passed away. Although that is sad he didn’t let her die before I met her. That thanksgiving I met 2 of my aunts and cousins and I was so grateful. I helped me to understand a part of me. Today, I am here with my oldest brother and it was a prayer of mine to meet all of my siblings that makes 7 out of 9. He is answering my prayers, he’s  a prayer answering GOD.

I told you all that to say God knows your heart desires, and he hears every prayer request you’ve made. Trust him to take care of it. If he doesn’t, it does not mean he can’t, it means, he’s protecting you, or he has something better.  Focus on being obedient to him and he will take care of your desires, dreams, and prayer request.  Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart Psalm 37:4. It doesn’t matter how long it may take, or how long you’ve been waiting. It doesn’t matter how he does it as long as he does it. Don’t be like Sarah,  get tired of waiting and trying to rush the process  then end up with an Ishmael, waiting on your Issac. Keep trusting, keep holding on, and keep waiting. I am a witness that he is a prayer answering God. God Bless, you be encouraged. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Trust is one of the key pillars of any relationship. It is not always easily obtained, but it can be easily broken. When someone decides to trust you make sure you honor it and keep it because it is way too easy to lose it. Once you have someone’s true trust, it nothing anyone say that will make that person believe that you would do anything to betray them or break that trust. Once trust has been broken, you will never get it back 100%. There is some that will disagree with me, let me explain it a little further. Say you are in a relationship with someone and that cheated on you. You decide after a little while to forgive them, but in the back of your mind, you are still and will be wondering where they are, what they are doing and who’s around when you are not around. Most people can’t even return to a relationship when they’ve been cheated on, and if they do they never trust that person again completely there will always be in their mind “the possibility”. When someone breaks your trust in the way of telling secrets you told them. You began to think twice before your tell them certain things ever again. Although you trust the not to harm you or steal from you, access your secrets going on into the future might never happen again. All humans make mistakes but losing someone’s trust will hit you where it hurts every time.

When trust is lost in a relationship, it changes the dynamics of that relationship. It changes how you view the person. It’s disappointing and sometimes hearts shattering. However, forgiveness is always in order. Trusting someone is having confidence in the person and how they present themselves to be. It is ok to trust. Even when your trust has been taken for granted, it just means that one person is no longer worthy of it. When someone trusts you, honor it because it speaks volume to your character. It speaks volume of how they feel about you. Someone that trusts you hold you in high esteem. Hold on to that trust.  Remember once trust is broken you will never truly get it back 100%


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Annoying People

Have you every been around some one that is just annoying to the point that you wish they never
come around again? if not, it may be you.LOL JK But seriously  those that make you hate being in a certain place or around certain people because their going to be there talking and being annoying. In my morning class, I've two annoying people.  One who is always raising their hand asking questions that have nothing to do with what we are talking about or he asks a question in a way that you can tell he knew the answer but just wanted to ask a question. One who when every time they ask a question they tell  a story. OMG!!!! My class begins at 7:05 am and while we are waiting in the hallway around 6:50 am the 1st annoying person starts to talk really loud and play music loud on speaker !!!! and sings or raps along with the song,  at 6:50 or at 7:00 in the morning Monday thru Thursday.  My teacher can barely teach because of them. The other comes to talk to me almost everyday, even though its obvious that i couldn't care any less about what she is talking about. It doesn't matter if I'm clearly busy she will talk and make sure she has my attention. See Im trying not to be rude so just keep my mouth close even though I want to scream SHUT UP!!!When you find your self in the mist of people that are annoying and you can't leave . Remember to take a deep breath and daydream about something else.LOL!!  Put on your earphones, or simply try your best to ignore them. Pray for me as I endure the Last 3 weeks of class. Hopefully the catch the spirit of shut This is my rant for the day. If you are the person who acts like that please stop it is annoying. Have a great day everyone. 

Monday, June 27, 2016

Surround Yourself with Builders

In the times we live in there are so many people who are haters. Haters who try and tear down people for,
what they believe, what they have, who they are, and what they could be. They are the wolves in sheep’s clothing in our lives, they are the courtside watchers waiting for us to fail. When you discover who they are, get and stay away from them. Remember the demolition workers are necessary for the renovation of a house, but be careful who they are. Some only come for the purpose to tear down, and have no intention and don’t know how to build up. There are those who are used to tear down so that something better can be built in us. Because of the potential in that is within. Although hard to find these days, a person who can truly build you up without a destructive motive is a God send. They are gifted people with vision and an ear to hear. Builders help in your development, they repair and instruct, and construct.

Surround yourself with builders. Those who trying their best to be better in every way. Those who have a vision and everyone around them is handling their business. Do not only surround yourself with builders be a builder. Be a blessing, not a burden. Be someone who gives and not always taking. Be that person who encourages, uplifts, pouring into the lives of people. Find builders glean from the wealth of information they “have to offer”. They didn’t get where they are without gaining some wisdom along the way. Surround yourself with builders and learn from them. Yesterday I was sitting in the midst of builders, and it blessed me. Just to sit and listen to the wisdom and experience, helped me in so many ways, and it open up my eyes. They have been a part of my development, I love that

Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Making of a Master Piece

Do you every wish you could already be what the Lord desires you to be? Like, skipping the
whole making process, the trials and tribulations. I have.  I sometimes think to myself, “Can I skip forward to the times where I’m in ministry, where I am finish with school, and now running my business. But I’ve learn that I have to go through the making process. The making process the times you are on the potter’s wheel and they are the most important times. God works out of us those things that shouldn’t be, and works in us the tools, the things we need to be equipped with for our journeys with him. It is the times where you are learning to trust him and his plan.  See the problem, many of us want off the wheel too soon. Especially, when we feel the pressure and pain of the kneading, stretching and shaping. It is in the those ruff making moments that we stay in Gods face. We desire to be a finished product without the being made. I’ve learned that at all cost we must go through this process if we are going to be that master piece we desire and he desires us to be. We have to remember, God already see’s the finished work, but we have not made it there yet.    
Jeremiah 18 1-6
1 The word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying,
2 Arise, and go down to the potter's house, and there I will cause thee to hear my words.
3 Then I went down to the potter's house, and, behold, he wrought a work on the wheels.
4 And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it.
5 Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
6 O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the Lord. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel.

   There are those who think, why would God want them? They feel as if they’ve been so horrible that God wouldn’t forgive them. Those that feel they are just unwanted. Those that feel too damaged for restoration,  but I Tell you verse 4 says that the clay was marred  (damaged or rendered less perfect, less attractive, impaired or spoiled),  and it was where?  IN HIS HAND!!! You are not too far in sin where God can reach you.  You are not too damaged for God to take you and make something better, more beautiful.  Just look, he cleansed the leper, He used Rahab, and He forgave Saul and changed him into Paul. God’s is love and love is unlimited. We are not perfect, but being perfected.  You are on the Potter’s wheel being made in to Gods master beautiful master piece.  We are in the hand of the Master Potter, and it’s the best place to be. 

Friday, June 24, 2016

It will happen

Yesterday I posted about Thinking Big. Today I want to encourage
those who have already been thinking big, and waiting for things to take off.  Some have been thinking big, planning big, and working to make things happen and you feel like you’ve gotten nowhere or you haven’t had the results you desire. To you, I want to say Keep working, Keep networking, keeping researching, you will find what you need. Your time will come. Things don’t always happen when we wish it too, but it will happen.  I send encouragement to you , don’t give up on your dreams, goals, and business because no one else will work as hard as you for your dreams. The only failure will be if you stop trying. Never give up on yourself or your dreams.   Be encouraged you got this!!!  

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Think Big!!!

I Confess!! I'm Guilty!!!! I Began to think out side the box but my thoughts, goals and vision never
left the room. I had the right ideas in a mini note book, the right ingredients but the wrong measurements.  I'm guilty!  Of letting poverty minded conditioning cover and hide, the acres of possibility. Having acres of opportunity but instead I shrink them down to a small lot size. Why didn't I remember before that although it's my vision my eyes are not Gods eyes.  I was thinking to small. Smaller than the potential in me, smaller than how I was made. I was made to do big things,  intentionally. You see we have great visions, but we allow it to stop there. Never gaining the "Know How," the information we needed to make that vision a reality. Today , I realized that there are so many other things that can come from one idea, one vision, and one business. And that we are so one track minded , we miss opportunities to jump on other tracks in our reach .  We allow low self-esteem to paralyze us, and keep us from making that leap. But Today, I declare that is over. I Declare that every Idea, Dream, Goals, and vision will come to reality. I declare that fear is eliminated and destroyed. I declare that my eyes are open to see and acknowledge every open door, opportunity, and avenue I need to take. In Jesus Name

I encourage you today to expand your way of thinking.  If you own a business think about how you can bring more money to your business . If it's a  physical store think about expanding to an online store, and vice versa. Whatever vision or/and plan you have, take it out the box and don't in sit in the room on a self,  work it until you have reached the top. Gain all the information you need. Many businesses fail in the first two years because lack of management skills and  because the lack the "know how".  Remember Think Big, there is more to you than what you have been putting forth. It is more in you than what you are doing now.  If something doesn't work, go back to the drawing board it is not a failure until you quit. Don't sit on those gifts, ideas, vision, and businesses you have inside of you. Don't let anything or anyone (including yourself)  get in your way. You got this!! You can do this!! You were made for it! Think Big!! The Sky is not the Limit!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

When Life Throws Knives!

Today as I returned home from my morning class, a man was face down in the street, he had been hit by a car. The car that hit him was in an accident with another car which is the reason he was hit. He probably was on his way to work. Although he will live, I know he was never expecting to be hit, and it happens. Sometimes you can be doing what you’re supposed to, minding your business and life will throw a knife at you. You don’t have to be doing anything that causes something to happen. It's just what life decided to issue to you. I was frustrated this morning because I kept on missing the bus I needed and who knows that could have been me hit, if I arrived when I was supposed to.  Do we go through things in life that make us question, Why me? Things happen to us that we just don’t understand. Sometimes we make choices that we wish we could take back but we can't, nor can we go back to the days before a bad thing happen to us. We have to learn to make the best out of life and do our best to make better what we can. 

No matter what life hands or throws at you, never stop moving forward. Never stop trying to reach your goals. Never stop trying. Don’t let anybody tell you, you can’t. Look back over your life, and if you are still here after all that you have been through then there is purpose in you that still needs fulfillment.  Don’t let allow anyone or anything stop you from being better, including yourself because sometimes we get in our own way. Keep pressing toward the finish lines of your dreams. We don’t know what life will throw at us, but don’t sit around waiting for it. Do what you have too. God bless

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Prove What !!!!!!!

You don't have to be anyone but yourself . 
This weekend we had the NBA final game where
there was so much nasty competitiveness. I know its a game and it is suppose to be a competition between the teams, but it got nasty. When a competition begins to go outside of game into your personal life it's a problem. When your personal opinion is dragged through the mud by thousands it's a problem. Social media gives the impression that just because one is living in the eye of the media that it gives who ever chooses, the freedom to comment on the life and choices of those individuals. WRONG!  The comparisons they are constantly receiving are annoying and degrading. What ever happen to individuality ? Anything telling you, "you're good, but not as good as or that person is better," is degrading the person you are made to be and what you bring to the table.  When we compare our own or someone else's accomplishments it takes aways a small part of its value. All of those athletes are great, because if they were not , they would not be in the NBA. 

Don't let anyone compare you or your accomplishments to what someone else had or has going on. Especially if it is negative or to belittle you. People please understand I'm not saying  that you should look up to someone, or that others ideas can't be adopted. What I am saying is that what someone else has going on should not be compared to look make your accomplishments seem less than.  You are awesome as an individual.  Your ideas and inventions are unique because you made them and because God gave them to you. If you are always comparing your self to others, it may be that you might have low self-esteem.  Remember !! You are fearfully which means he didn't rush to make you, he thought about it first, and wonderfully which means he made you good, marvelous  and with admiration. If he took the time to make you an awesome individual than the only person we should be compared to is him.   Be yourself , Love yourself!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Right Place Right Time!!

We have always heard the older generation say 
"They were in the wrong place, at the wrong
time," when  tragedy strikes. And it seems that it is happening a lot more frequent these days.  However, there  is a such thing as being in the Right Place at the Right time. I experienced it this morning. 
I hope this blesses you!

       I am a college student and I am also an entrepreneur . When you are an entrepreneur it cost a lot of your own  money and time. It takes a lot of resources and things you probably don't have.  It is up to you are the sole owner to provide these things. 70% small businesses fail in the  first 10 years of business, most in the very beginning stages.  One of the most important things when starting a business is the "Know How," and  that information can be money for a new business owner. Now back to college , I have taken a business class and because I was sick a lot and my blood pressure was out of control, I had to drop that class. I had to drop that class, so I am taking it again now. It is the 4th day of class and the information that I have receive has change my life today!! I had been struggling and my teacher just gave me the solution. was a month in to the other class and the information I got was standard and it wasn't even close to what I receive today. Had I remain healthy and  in the other class, I wouldn't be here getting what I truly need.

         See we don't understand when things happen to us or why we haven't been able to propel in the time we think we should. But,  if you actively trust and wait on  him, he will put you in the place you should be, to hear what you need to hear, at the time you need you should be, so that you can walk in to your  destiny. Sometimes we think God has forgotten about the dreams we are desperately trying to accomplish, so we sometimes loose faith. BUT!!!!!!  Wait upon the Lord, all things are working for your good. I tell you he will put you in the right place at the right time!!  Mind is Blown this morning!! Don't give up on God ! Trust the process!! Trust his time!! It's not to late!   

                                                                   Have a Great Day!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

What's Your Anthem!!!

Have you ever had a song that is  apart of your routine in the morning that just gets you hype and motivated. The one everyone tired of hearing you play, and when it comes on every one looks at you. LOL!  Do you have something that you quote everyday or declarations you make?  These are the things that help make life just a tiny bit easier to get things done that you may not really want to do.   Its your anthem . An anthem is
 1. A rousing or uplifting song identified with a particular group, body, or cause.
 2:  A song or hymn of praise or gladness
 What is your Anthem? Something that encourages you. Something that gives you that extra boost! Something that you declare, something sing or speak. I  encourage you to find you anthem or make one.  In the times you feel low , play your song, say you declaration or scripture. I pray that it uplifts you! I am going to leave you with my anthem song and I pray it blesses you!! Have a great rest of the day!! 

Monday, June 13, 2016

Boss Up!!

 There comes a time in your life when you should not be so willing to live and be any kind of way. There comes a time when you desire better, and then you  become willing to pursue and work at it.  As I rose early this morning to get to my 7am class, it dawned up me that I'm not willing to stay in  the comfortable place that I was in for so long. I acknowledge that I have things on the inside that have to come out. I am actively doing my part and waiting on God to do his. I am moving in the right direction, Finally.  

I have found out  that a lot of people are afraid of success, whether they admit it or not. Or whether they know it or not.  Most are scared to see their true potential come to light. Many have great business ideas, but don't know where to start, or how to bring out what they envision on the inside.  Some lack confidence,  their confidence have been destroyed and they don't believe they can do it, or even have what it takes to do it  but the Devil is a lair.   Some lack nourishment, I say nourishment because some come from poverty minded homes. Where mom or dad didn't finish high school, or didn't go to college. Lived off of government assistance their whole life, and never encourage the children to do something with their lives. Never ever  made sure the kids did their homework or what ever they needed to do to succeed in life. Left them to themselves or the streets. They were not given the tools needed to do something better in life. I've been there and I am no longer that young person that allows my past, of what mommy didn't teach me  and daddy wasn't there. To hold me hostage or bound ,keeping me from reaching success. 

I  admit that it is easy to sit and do nothing while life passes you by. Each person has a different level of responsibility and hunger.  Everyone does not  have that go getter mentality. Not everyone has that drive that says , No, you are going to make something of your self, you will have ambitions and goals, and you will accomplish them. 
Now,  if all that describes you, then that is not an  excuse any longer. Get up out of that place of being comfortable with; no drive, no money, self- pity, having excuses, and wanting someone else to do it for you or give you everything. You can do all things, and you can speak it into existence.  Step out on faith that you can do it, you'll never know until you try.  Become that person you desire to be , the only one in your way is you! You can do this!You  can break free too. There is so much in you that can help somebody. You can do what ever you put your mind too.  Rise up do some research, take a class, Get a Job, make a job (Hello!!) and  keep trying to do something to make your life  better then what you were given. Boss up! and watch God work!!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Break the chains of your Past

In our lives, we experience things that try to hold on to us our whole life’s journey. Things
that hurt us , abuse, rape, abandonment, and Loss/ failure. The enemy will try to make us think that’s who we are. He will try to make us think that we are  our past and that we will never escape those things that hold or held us bound, But I'm am here to say that the devil is a liar. Those things we ever experienced  were made for us to overcome and help someone else through those situations. If you are holding on to past experiences, I encourage you to deal with it and let it go. There are great things to come for you and bigger battles for you to fight. All things work together for the good , I am a true witness of this, and this season of my life I am seeing Gods' hand and understanding why things have seem delayed, but there has been a purpose revealed around every corner this season,  and there are better things coming your way. Remember we are free by the power and the blood of Jesus  your past is gone and that day can never come back .  You are victorious and you made it through. I declare you are free in Jesus. Claim your freedom
Dear Lord,
I ask you to open up my eyes and understanding help me to see that your hand was in for my good. Today I declare I am free from those things that hold me back from being all that I was made to be. I declare that satan cannot control mymind make me revisting those past hurts brecause I am healed and free. Lord, I ask that you bless this day and have your way with it. I thank you for your blood that covers me, and I look forward to everything you have for me. Thank you for being a keeper, and thank you for being awesome to me.

                                                                       In Jesus Name. Amen 

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Great Day!!

Today I am feeling so good. There are so many days when
I am weak and feeling down but today is awesome so far. We have to take charge of our own happiness, because if don’t learn how to find and make our own happiness, it will always be dependent on how someone else makes us feel. The danger with that is most people couldn’t care less if you are happy or not. Find things that make you enjoy life. I got up made some food, laughed at videos and plan on having a beautiful rest of the day. Today take some time for you, do something that makes you happy and laugh your soul happy.

Take charge of the things you allow in your space and allow yourself to receive. We are more than conquers and we can change our atmosphere! I encourage you to find something today that will be both exciting and fun.   Be spontaneous, and courageous! Sip a little happy juice  and Enjoy the rest of the weekend, Monday is dying to mess it all up.LOL!!

Friday, June 10, 2016

It's Your Life!!

We all have those people in our lives who think, that we should be in a certain place at this time in our lives you telling them you’re not interested.  Constantly having to tell family and friends you took another route in life, made another career choice, or became an entrepreneur. We all have those who think they know what’s best for you, BUT I say “It’s your life,” and you have to live it for you. At the end of the day, those people dishing the suggestions usually will never take suggestions. These people are usually the ones that are not feeling fulfill or satisfied with where they are, at this time in their own lives. So they try to push on you what their desires are. Controlling people try to control other because they feel like they don’t have control over their own situation, so they try to find anything and anyone gullible, immature, or with a lack confidence they can easily maneuver. Please, Get away from those or put them in their place. You are a confident individual and not a carbon copy of someone else. You are an original honey and act like it. Those individuals who think we should follow the life schedule they made for us in their heads, and somehow their schedule is supposed to top the one we made for ourselves. If not, those parents who are continually hounding you to get married and have some grandchildren for them.  People who are always telling you what you should do, in spite of

It’s your life and it is up to you and God to make the decisions.  You have to make the choices in your life, because at the end of the day, you will be stuck with whatever the result are.  Don’t let anyone decide your life for you, because if it’s a bad choice, you will have to live with whatever comes next. It’s your life, make the best of it.  Be free and be yourself. Find what makes you happy and fulfilled. Let people go down whatever road they are trying to send you. Don’t care what others have to say about it either.    Please remember no matter what you people will always have something to say about it, SO WHAT!! Let people talk, as long as they don’t put their hands on you or yours, let them say what they want.  While their miserable and you have joy!!! Let them talk while you laugh all the way to the bank. Let them talk while you’re getting degrees or starting your business. Let them talk because that’s all they have. You only get one life and it disappears just as fast as vapor. Make the best of it, and make sure it’s the one you chose or God chose for you. A life without regrets, and wishing you had done something. Make the best of it and always remember, live it to its fullest. It’s Your Life!!!


Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Even when it Hurts

There are times in our lives when we have to keep going no matter the obstacle we face. There are times when we have to continue to love those who have wronged us because it is the right things to do. Not saying that we have to continue to accept their treatment to us , but rather still love them afar and forgive them. There are times when our bodies get weak and our minds get weary, however, we don’t have the liberty and option to  take a break. There are times when we already feel like we are bending over backward, breaking our backs and the world is still asking for more.  When these times arise we have to continue pressing on even when it hurts, even when we feeling we might fail or fall. When it's painful to our bodies, and when it's painful to our hearts , we have to continue on because if we don’t who will?  I know it may seem as if the weight of the world is on your shoulders, and everyone is counting on you. But God must trust you enough  to get things done and trust you to do it to the best of your ability, that’s why he gives you a heavier load.

There  will be times when we feel like we have no more to give, and feel like we want to be left alone. We will be hurt, misused and taken advantage of. However,  we have to keep going , keep giving what has been placed inside of us. Do what we are equipped to do , it is a part of our making. It is who we are made to be. We can't deprive the world of the gifts we have to offer. It is said  a man's gifts will make room for him but it never has never said how much room it would be. It doesn’t say what the conditions will be when that room is made available.  I encourage you that whatever is hurting you  that you keep pressing  past the pain , it is only one pit stop to your destination. Keep working on your dreams and goals, keep working in the ministry God assigned for you to do. It will all make sense one day.  One day it will be all worth it.   You are victorious, even when it hurts!! God Bless!


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Trust Your Gut

Have you ever had a situation when you felt a strong urgency in the pit of your stomach,  to do or not do  a thing.  We call that gut instinct for women it is called our women's intuition. Have you ever ignored that feeling and regretted it later?  We say to ourselves, "Darn I knew it," or "something told me."  It happens all the time. We must learn to trust our gut or intuition.  Sunday,  when I was trying to figure out what to post on this blog for a Sunday Morning , what came to my heart was Faith! I begin to write about it and I found myself thinking maybe this is a little too deep. Maybe I should talk about something else so I did (check it out!!LOL!!). I went to church and my pastor was preaching and teaching on, just guess, FAITH!!! I could have just fallen out my seat and slap myself. I said to the Lord, O, Lord that was you!!! My He was trying to teach me something. Obedience and how to follow and obey him. Shows I was somewhere else in my mind. When things are heavy on you , it is best you pay attention. When the pit of your stomach, gut, or intuition says or warns you of something, it is best that you don't ignore it. I wonder how many deaths and accidents could have been avoided if the person trusted their gut.

Sometimes the Lord will use our gut feelings and intuition as a way of communication.There will be times that the Lord is talking to us, and trying to get his message across  so that we understand and get it straight from him. We have to learn how to follow his voice if we are ever going to walk in our God-given assignments on this earth. No assignments are given without instructions or training, and you have to be able to read and hear to receive them. Our gut  is our warning siren, it helps us with directions, and helps us with the people we come in contact with. It is our discernment.  Using our guts, and intuitions is an advantage. Please to don't confuse it with  fear. Fear can arrest you, and stop you from doing that which you know you should. Intuition can help, and guide you in the decisions you make.   Learn how to trust your gut/ intuition it will not steer you wrong. Learn how to trust God he will never lead you wrong. He gives us these things to help. Trust your gut.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Hated For his Name Sake!!

We love Christ, and we try our best to live a life worthy of him.  We live in times when wee Christians are being persecuted and killed.  For a while being thrown in jail or murder for our faith only happen in the middle east, but now it is here  in America.  We thought we were safe, and we thought we had religious freedom but that time is gone. It is interesting that we live in a nation that says in God we trust,"but I ask, which god? I have never seen it specified the god they were actually talking about. We live in a country where every  religion is accepted except Christianity. Our very faith is being protested and fought against. We are killed, we are shunned, we are hated, but it comes as no surprise.God warned us of this, in the  bible when it says that Christians we would be hated by all nations for Jesus’ name sake, "Jesus says, “And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake,” the rest of that verse says, “but he that endured to the end shall be saved.” Matthew 10: 22   .
 I know sometimes it feels like we may not make it until he returns, but we can endure until the end. If  it were not possible, he wouldn't have said it. I  know that we  say for Christ I live and for Christ I die, but what  happens when you experience that hate that Jesus talked about.  What happens if you get beat or thrown in jail for the love of Christ? What if? I ask because it is happening now. The Devil and his minions have succeeded in birthing a nation of idol worship. Everything that has been set up to promoted and represent Christ have been torn down, and the statues and temples of Satan have been proudly built.  We live in times we the truth has become a lie, and good is seen as evil and evil is said to be good. We truly live in the end times, and it will get no easier for us who trust in Christ.

        I admonish you to hold on and be  encouraged. Even when we are under attack we still have to show the love of our savior. Even though the world is raging against us, we have to show the world that Christ loves them too and is always ready to receive them into his arms. He warned to remain humble and loving. “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore, wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” Matthew 10:16  We will be persecuted , some beaten and hurt for the love of our savior, but remember just as much as the world hates us God loves us more. Keep pressing toward the mark. Remain under his ark of safety. For the time is almost here that we will be in the place he has prepared for us.  Be blessed, be encouraged, and remember he loves us. 

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Things Grow in our Valleys

Everyone is always looking for the mountain top experience or being on the mountain top in their lives. We believe that being on the mountain top is highest and happiest place you can be, and that may be true but it only lasts for a moment. Soon after being on the mountain top you began your descent into the valley. A valley is a low place, and no one wants to be in a valley place. The reason is we always associate the valley with things such as depression, loss, and other bad things that happen to us. Many believe that the valley is designed for the test and trials and that it is the dry places in our lives. However, I am here to tell you that the valley is a setup blessing that we perceive to be horrible. Most will get into the valley of life and shut down and get depressed. The valley is the place you should sow because there can be an abundance in the valley. Things can grow. When looking at a valley, valleys are mostly grassy places, and there are trees, you need 10-15 inches a year in the rain for grass to grow, and you need 15- 20 inches of rain for trees to grow. On top of that, most rivers and streams of water flow down into the valley.   Water, grass, and trees bring food and life to other things in the valleys. Which tells me that valleys are indeed not places of dryness but a place of growth.  It is our perception of it that makes us weep in our valley time, and that make us hope for another mountain peak, where hardly anything grows. Our valleys are meant for things to grow and bring life to things in our lives.

The valley is a place of good ground. Remember even though you are in the valley and may weep, it is a time of growth and restoration. It is a place of life and not death. It is a place of rest before the climb back up the mountain.  When we feel low, and in despair it is our pain that pushes our seeds in to the soil, and it is our tears that is the rain that water our seeds.  When we began to cry the rain starts, think about it watering our gifts, the ministry that we have been called to do, our businesses, and the seeds we have sown.  Get ready for things to grow because the lord is working on the fields of our souls.  We have to keep pushing through the valley. We have to remember to keep moving.  For our time in the valley lasts only for a moment. Then we are on our way climbing back up the mountain.  Be encouraged and always remember that those seed you planted with your pain, and the tears you use to water them, will continue to grow.  Everything in our life has purpose, but how we perceive things, can be a blessing or a curse. We can miss out on great opportunities of sowing because the way see and interpret our valleys. Let us change our perception of our life valleys. Use them as opportunities to plant and water and remember ,  Valleys are a blessing!! Be encourage, and stay strong. 

Friday, June 3, 2016

Things Happen!!!

This morning has caught me by surprise, and it has left me feeling a little down and upset. I’ve been working really hard for months so that I can get good grades in my classes which have not been easy at all. This morning I got the first one and it was the hardest out of
all my classes. She gave me a C, and I couldn’t have been more disappointed. I am grateful for not failing but still sad. It is devastating when you work hard and don’t see the results you are pushing for. Now I’m nervous to see what the other grades will be. As much as I want to curl up under my covers and cry, I’ve got to keep moving and have business to handle.  I have other things to accomplish.  I am going to keep my self-encouraged, and motivated to keep going. I am victorious and I am a success story.

Listen, Sometimes things don’t turn out the way we hope for, but that doesn’t give us permission or a right to give up and stop. It just means it time to breath, refocus, do more research, try harder, and most of all keep going. We all know the saying “when life hands you lemons, make lemonade,” which means to make the best of what you have been given. Use what you have been giving and make it better. I intend to go harder next semester, I will not allow this to be any kind of set back or any kind of defeat. I will make the best out of it. When things happen to you, keep pushing, and keep finding new ways to better yourself.  Your hard work will pay off. You are victorious, and you are a success story in the making. Remember that.  

Thursday, June 2, 2016


Freedom is the quality or state of being free: as the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action, liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another:  independence. –Webster
    Recently, I spoke with someone about freedom, and the cost of freedom. It’s amazing to me that freedom actually is not free at all, it requires a lot of sacrifices and will cost (not money) you a lot of things and people that may be difficult for you to give up.  I desire to be completely free, and I understand it is a lonely journey but is one I am determined to finish. I want complete freedom so God can use me as he wishes. I know the cost and sacrifice it calls for and I am ready to pay and go through it. Come along with me, Let’s Talk freedom…

In the natural, in order for a country to become free most of the time, they have to go to war. The country has to fight against an oppressor to gain their freedom.  Let’s take the United States for example. The British came to North America for several reasons, and when they came they had to face the unknown circumstance such as; Harsh weather, learning how to find food and water.  They were in a serious wilderness experience, and those who were not helped by the Native Americans mostly starved to death. Once successfully operating ,the U.S was under the control of Great Britain, and Great Britain almost sucks the U.S dry, with high taxes, exports, and taking away the ability for them to govern themselves. The U.S decided they didn’t want to be under the control of Great Britten any longer and started with many boycotts and petitions. However, G.B was not letting the U.S go that easily. They deployed ships and troops to keep America under its control and so begins the war. The war took places in many battles some that were won and some loss, overall winning the war and their freedom. It cost lives and lands. Many sacrificed family members and their chance for a future.
Now for the Spiritual, spiritual freedom sometimes mirrors the natural. We are in a constant battle fighting with the enemy and our own flesh for complete freedom. Jesus died on the cross for us to be free. Him dying gave us the opportunity and power to be free completely.  And because most don’t understand the power and freedom we have in Jesus, many more likely to fall victim in times of Warfare. The enemy is always waging war and bringing small battles trying to control us. He creates things that wiggle into our minds and hearts putting us in chains. He’ll send the spirit of confusion, a spirit of low self-esteem. He’ll set up people to slowly put poison in our lives. He will throw so many things at us that sometimes we get distracted, then captured and put in jail. However, oppression does not only comes from the enemy but sometimes from our own flesh.  Our flesh is another thing, we have to fight against constantly. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life. We live in an age where we rather please our self than God and that is deadly. Sometimes bondage can also come from our past experiences, and/or recent hurts even mistakes that we are ashamed of, keeping us from obtaining true freedom.

 We have to remember that once we decide we don’t want to be under the control of our flesh or the Devil, the fight for our freedom becomes visible.  When you decide to be free, be ready. Ready for things and people trying to stop you, but be encouraged because it is obtainable. There is always a fight going on, but this fight will be one biggest fights of your life. For the fight for freedom is made up many different battles in a big War but each is necessary. Whether we are bound in our mind, heart or from circumstances. We will have to fast and pray. We will have to stay in Gods face and petition for freedom.  Sometimes we will have to boycott hanging out, and other things to win freedom.   God gave us his spirit, so it is ours for the asking. We will have to fight but remember who controls the battle, do your part, and watch the King grant you your freedom.
